STM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+based+on+MCUSTM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+based+on+MCUSTM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+based+on+MCUSTM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+based+on+MCUSTM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+based+on+MCUSTM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+based+on+MCUSTM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+based+on+MCUSTM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+based+on+MCUSTM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+based+on+MCUSTM8文档资料 In-Circuit+Programmer+of+STM8+ba
2022-06-27 11:05:08 546KB STM8文档资料In-Circ
For courses in Computer Science and Programming Computer systems: A Programmer’s Perspective explains the underlying elements common among all computer systems and how they affect general application performance. Written from the programmer’s perspective, this book strives to teach students how understanding basic elements of computer systems and executing real practice can lead them to create better programs. Spanning across computer science themes such as hardware architecture, the operating system, and systems software, the Third Edition serves as a comprehensive introduction to programming. This book strives to create programmers who understand all elements of computer systems and will be able to engage in any application of the field–from fixing faulty software, to writing more capable programs, to avoiding common flaws. It lays the groundwork for students to delve into more intensive topics such as computer architecture, embedded systems, and cybersecurity. This book focuses on systems that execute an x86-64 machine code, and recommends that students have access to a Linux system for this course. Students should have basic familiarity with C or C++.
2022-06-09 08:33:25 5.23MB CSAPP
Foundations of Security What Every Programmer Needs to Know .pdf 一本很不错的网络编程安全的入门书籍
2022-05-17 21:37:34 2.67MB Foundations of Security
Our Copyright® Hardwares: Willem EPROM Programmer Version. PCB50
2022-05-06 20:28:08 940KB Willem PCB50 0.98d10
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2022-04-30 15:32:04 145.77MB 注册机 smartRF flas 串口调试
SmartRF Flash Programmer工具。IT公司用于烧写HEX文件的工具,免费提供给大家。也可到官网下载
2022-04-30 01:47:33 35.73MB SmartRF hex cc2430 TI
v9.5、v9.7、安装说明书、软件升级包CX-Programmer9.7 ,文件比较大,都以云盘链接
2022-04-28 00:06:40 651B 欧姆龙 欧姆龙PLC CX-ONEv4 CX-Programmer
2022-04-27 19:27:04 3.27MB GD_Link_Programm
CX-Programmer 5.0操作手册(英文)pdf,CX-Programmer 5.0操作手册(英文)
2022-04-23 18:03:09 6.88MB 综合资料
☆ 资源说明:☆ [Addison-Wesley Professional] 程序员修炼之道 从小工到专家 (英文版) [Addison-Wesley Professional] The Pragmatic Programmer From Journeyman to Master (E-Book) ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Andrew Hunt, David Thomas [出版机构] Addison-Wesley Professional [出版日期] 1999年10月30日 [图书页数] 352页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式
2022-04-21 13:55:18 2.8MB Programmer