1、submit按钮无法显示 这个主要是historian-optimized.js文件在搭建环境时候没有正常获取到,通过chrom浏览器的控制台可以查看到historian-optimized.js报错 解决方法: 将historian-optimized.js放到compiled目录下
2019-12-21 20:30:06 299KB batteryhistorian
Tim has found a highly customizable and responsive Scroll View, which allowed him to display lots of data efficiently through a list or grid, horizontally or vertically, on any device. He could optionally use OSA wizard to get started in just 1 minute and continue expanding according to his needs, guided by any of the provided demos. Tim is happy now.
2019-12-21 19:38:58 1.78MB Unity Scroll