2021-05-13 11:08:59 102KB OpenXML Excel
这是《使用 Open XML 生成 Word 文档(VS2015)》的 C# 源码,详细内容见博客文章 https://blog.csdn.net/blackwoodcliff/article/details/91474636
2021-05-09 17:54:29 18.24MB OpenXML Word
ClosedXML是一个.NET库,用于读取,操作和写入Excel 2007+(.xlsx,.xlsm)文件。 它旨在提供一个直观且用户友好的界面来处理基础的 API。 通过NuGet安装ClosedXML 如果要在项目中包含ClosedXML,则可以 要安装ClosedXML,请在程序包管理器控制台中运行以下命令 PM> Install-Package ClosedXML 你能做什么呢? ClosedXML允许您在没有Excel应用程序的情况下创建Excel文件。 典型示例是在Web服务器上创建Excel报告。 例: using ( var workbook = new XLWorkbook ()) { var worksheet = workbook . Worksheets . Add (" Sample Sheet "); worksheet . Cell ( " A1 " ). Value = " Hello World! " ; worksheet . Cell ( " A2 " ). FormulaA1 = " =MID(A1, 7, 5)
2021-04-26 22:11:14 7.48MB excel xlsx openxml hacktoberfest
支持word2003的文件格式分析(doc, xls, ppt),也支持(docx, xlsx, pptx)文件格式分析,全图形化界面工具; 本人也在从事pdf, word2003, openxml文件格式相关开发
2021-04-01 10:48:22 30.74MB office2003 openxml
基于 System.IO.Packaging API 构建而成,并提供强类型类来处理符合 Office Open XML 文件格式规范的文档。 Office Open XML 文件格式规范是一个开放的国际性 ECMA 376 第二版和 ISO/IEC 29500 标准。 Open XML 文件格式对于开发人员而言非常有用,因为它们是开放性标准并基于以下已知技术:ZIP 和 XML。 Open XML SDK 2.5 简化了操作 Open XML 包和包中基础 Open XML 架构元素的任务。
2021-03-08 18:49:55 4.99MB OpenXML
2020-04-16 03:01:53 4KB OpenXml Excel
2019-12-21 20:30:28 5.08MB word OpenXML
开源的XML DOM实现for Delphi-----------------Date of release: 2005-09-25The Open XML Utility Library provides a wide range of methods, components and foundation classes. It includes nine units of the following contents:AbnfUtils Functions for testing ABNF syntax conformance. AutoListUtils Interactive list and iterator classes. AutoStrCtrls Controls for interactive string lists. cUnicodeCodecs Unicode conversion functions for more than 70 encodings including the whole ISO-8859-x family, various Windows and Mac code pages as well as KOI8-R and JIS_X0201. LangUtils Functions for ISO 639 language code processing. ParserUtils Classes for parsing a byte stream. TreeUtils Object tree classes with build in semi-automatic garbage collection. UnicodeUtils Unicode helper functions and classes. UriUtils Functions for testing URI syntax conformance. WideStrUtils Helper functions and classes for WideString processing. XmlRulesUtils Functions for testing XML syntax conformance. The complete functionality is only available for Delphi 7 and Kylix 3. For information which limitations apply to Delphi 5 and 6 please see the INSTALL.txt file included in the distribution.
2019-12-21 19:33:37 177KB 不可视构件 控件 源码 资源
2019-12-21 19:31:18 367KB Openxml 白皮书
使用openxml 提取ppt内容,标题,图片,整页ppt直接转换成图片
2016-09-20 00:00:00 7.7MB OpenXML PowerPoint C#