2021-09-01 14:12:59 1.02MB Obfuscator 3.8.2 unity 混淆
解压密码:123 安装说明:https://blog.csdn.net/hongfu951/article/details/118517942 Rustemsoft提出了Skater . net Obfuscator,一种用于。net代码保护的混淆工具。 它实现了所有已知的软件保护技术和模糊算法。 现在下载demo-trial ! 如果你想定期对你的。net产品进行模糊处理,那么Skater . net Obfuscator很适合你。 Rustemsoft使用Skater来满足内部需求,以保护所有Rustemsoft . net可执行文件和程序集。 它的命令行版本以批处理模式运行,对于计划的产品更新非常有用。 您必须首先为GUI版本中的程序集分配设置。 然后批处理模糊任务将使用设置。
2021-08-24 09:14:56 28.06MB Skater_NET_Obfus Rustemsoft提出了Ska
unity 代码混淆插件,使用方便简单,仅用于学习交流
2021-08-20 14:05:53 1.02MB unity代码混淆 Obfuscator Obfuscator3.8.2
Obfuscator Pro was developed to increase your software and game security, especially for applications built with Unity. Its main objective is to conceal your own proprietary source code, and third party compiled dotNet assemblies as well. We support all known platforms, whether standalone or embedded. What are Obfuscator Pro’s features? Being designed for Unity, Obfuscator Pro considers Unity’s unique characteristics, like MonoBehaviours, ScriptableObjects, Serialization and Reflection, giving you a powerful but easy, and out-of-the box working obfuscator. Obfuscator Pro features range from: - Member Renaming: - Namespaces - Classes (also MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObject subclasses) - Methods - Fields - Properties - Event - String obfuscation - Adding random code - Anti debugging up to quality-of-life features like: - Full obfuscation workflow customization - StackTrace de-obfuscation to allow restoring and debugging of even the most secured assemblies But why should you choose Obfuscator Pro? Obfuscator Pro makes it nearly impossible for the bad guys to steal your source code. It also gets regular updates to ensure the high standard of security in the future. Our tool makes sure your source code gets so entangled through renaming, random code and string obfuscation, it will be nearly impossible for anyone to get or analyze your original code. Obfuscator Pro is the only Unity3d Obfuscator that considers Namespace obfuscation and MonoBehaviour/ScriptableObject obfuscation for all platforms. Wait. That’s not the best yet! The best feature of it all is that the obfuscator is not obfuscated by itself. Why is that so important? It allows you to have a look at the obfuscator assemblies itself and keep track of the workflow! Other obfuscators on the market do not offer this transparency, forcing you to rely solely on their word. Not their tech.
2021-08-03 09:47:19 121B unity 加密
2021-07-26 20:34:56 1.52MB UniTy
Obfuscator Pro 3.9.3.unitypackage/用于Unity代码混淆加密,这里是一个包含插件的可运行测试游戏版本,和配置表示意图.
2021-07-01 18:08:38 13.71MB unity Obfuscator 加密解密 unity3d
淘宝花钱买的最新版!需要的拿去! This asset obfuscates your code to make it harder for bad guys to reverse engineer your projects. Specifically designed for Unity, it seamlessly links in with its build process. The top priority of this package is to work straight out of the box with no extra steps required. Whil
2021-06-29 09:09:12 807KB unity3d 代码混淆 加密 Obfuscator
该资源可以对你的代码进行混淆,使不怀好意者更难对你的项目进行逆向工程。专为 Unity 设计,与构建过程无缝链接。 该资源包的首要优先是无需额外的步骤而直接使用。其他混淆器可能使游戏停止工作,而 Beebyte 的混淆器会寻找必须保护的特定于 Unity 的相关代码。源文件的内容保持不变,而混淆只针对于已编译的程序集。
2021-06-28 21:02:42 1.02MB unity obfuscator
2021-06-21 01:49:10 848KB unity
2021-05-22 22:00:11 90.42MB ollvm