现在的人们每天在电脑前花费大约10个小时; 扭动鼠标,点击和敲击键盘,这些东西已成为我们生活中不可分割的一部分。现在给大家介绍一款DIY自制的OLED显示屏无线机械键盘。 机械键盘3D 无线机械键盘PCB&电路图(AD打开) Specs: True wireless keyboard No wires allowed. Communication and charging everything is done wirelessly. Fully Portable Due to the wire-free policy, making it portable is as easy as it sounds. 62 X Cherry MX mechanical switches Yes, no discussion about this. Cherry MX or no keyboard at all. Did I say it has to be Cherry MX Blue as well? 68 X RGB LED backlight An array of WS2812b black version embedded on the board. Who could've thought maker's favorite RGB led is underneath a keyboard. 2 X Thumb Analog Joystick On the left side simulates the mouse movement while the right side trigger the arrow keys. Security (RFID/NFC) In complement with things like NFC Ring, or smartphones NFC, having a secure on-board password activator doesn't sound impossible. Internet of thing thingy To enable independent internet access, ESP8266 Wifi dongle was added on-board. Local wireless communication (Bluetooth 4.0 & LORA) Talks wireless-ly with local networks that you've setup is now possible with Bluetooth and growingly popular LORA network on-the-go. Bluetooth HID Bluefruit HID link from adafruit is used to enable pure wireless system. This significantly save development time. OLED Display 128x32 pixel OLED display embedded for some indications and notifications on board. Local Storage Micro SD card should be able to handle the demand in here. Microcontroller For the first iteration, old School ATMEGA2560 is used. Together with atmega328p a co-controller for the WS2812b LED. 附件包含以下资料
2022-04-09 21:06:55 41.44MB 无线键盘 oled显示屏 开源 电路方案
2022-04-06 19:56:52 5.18MB stm32 arm 嵌入式硬件 单片机
杰森·奥莱德 一个简单的示例通过NVIDIA Jetson nano上的I2C驱动0.96英寸OLED显示器。 它提供有关主机的各种信息:默认主机接口的IPv4地址,“实时”网关和Internet连接状态,“实时” UTC时间和“实时”正常运行时间以及平均负载。 用法: 安装I2C OLED显示屏(连接至+ 3.3V,GND,SDA和SCL) 安装docker和git git克隆此仓库,并放入cd 运行“ make build” 运行“运行” 基于以下更全面的示例: : 由撰写
2022-03-16 11:18:41 5KB Python
0.96OLED显示屏适用于STM32F103C8T6_IIC通信 有需要的自行下载 0.96OLED显示屏STM32F103C8T6_IIC
2022-03-15 15:01:09 293KB 0.96OLED STM32F103C8T6 IIC通信
2022-03-03 22:48:37 7.16MB OED
stm8s003开发板 硬件spi接上sx1278,收到的数据显示到oled屏幕上。 可做数据传输和距离测试。
2022-02-07 22:00:15 32.97MB sx1278 stm8s003 电路方案
2022-01-20 17:02:14 45KB harmonyos stm32 华为 arm
0.96四脚IIC通信 OLED显示屏资料。包括四脚IIC通信OLED和九脚SPIOLED资料以及参考程序
2022-01-19 09:52:09 4.67MB 嵌入式 物联网 OLED IIC
2022-01-16 19:04:05 65.25MB OLED
文字章转自一个在某宝买的白光焊烙铁之后自己改编完善的大神买家,资料经过他的不断完善,已经超出了之前买的资料。重点是这位买家无偿的奉献出原理图和代码给有需要的人!大家有福啦!如果对资料有什么问题可以咨询QQ群668682263。 优点: ①编码器工作顺畅(之前的程序编码器旋转存在卡顿现象) ②功率更足 ③没有乱七八糟没用的功能(如密码、DS1302万年历等) 菜单介绍: 菜单用法: 长按编码器进入一级菜单,旋转编码器选择想要进入的二级菜单,短按进入该二级菜单。旋转编码器,将光标移动至需要修改的具体参数上,短按编码器选中该内容(选中后光标由”<”改变为”<=”)。再次旋转编码器修改该值,修改完成后短按编码器取消选中(取消选中后光标由”<=”改变为”<”),再次旋转编码器可以移动光标至其他参数上。 退出一级菜单和二级菜单均需要长按编码器,长按时间为1s。 其余部分可以下载资料查看,就不一一展示。 附件截图:
2022-01-13 16:55:46 1.84MB STC12C5A60S2 oled显示屏 电路方案