matlab linprog代码连续 DR 子模最大化:结构和算法 该存储库收集了论文的源代码: “连续 DR 子模块最大化:结构和算法” NIPS 2017. An Bian、Kfir Y. Levy、Andreas Krause 和 Joachim M. Buhmann 文件结构: src/: contians 源文件 main.m:运行不同实验的主文件 用法: 请参阅主文件“main.m”中的设置指南以运行不同的实验。 依赖项: 此实现使用 MATLAB LP 求解器和 MATLAB 二次规划求解器提供的 quadprogIP 求解器。 此外,quadprogIP 求解器需要 CPLEX 12.2 或更高版本的 Matlab 接口。 该代码已在 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS、64 位和 MATLAB R2016a 上进行了测试。 它应该可以与其他操作系统一起使用而几乎没有变化。 版权: 版权所有 (2017) [安边 | 苏黎世联邦理工学院 | ]。 如果您在工作中使用此代码,请引用上述论文。
2022-06-29 21:47:25 16KB 系统开源
pytorch转onnx模型后,对onnx模型进行runtime时提示以下错误,具体细节如下: onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.Fail: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : Non-zero status code returned while running FusedConv node. Name:'Conv_461_Add_463_Relu_464' Status Message: CUDNN error executing cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor(tensor_, dataType, static_cast(rank),,。 pdf文件中是对该错误的解决思路。
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matlab指纹定位代码使用可见光的室内跟踪中未知阴影和非视线的影响 Matlab代码“使用可见光的室内跟踪对未知阴影和非视线的影响” 如果您使用该代码,请引用或提及我们的工作: @INPROCEEDINGS{vlc-pf, author={Z. {Vatansever} and M. {Brandt-Pearce}}, booktitle={MILCOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)}, title={Effects of unknown shadowing and non-line-of-sight on indoor tracking using visible light}, year={2017}, volume={}, number={}, pages={501-506}, keywords={filtering theory ; free-space optical communication ; indoor communication ; Kalman filters ; li
2022-05-15 10:37:46 628KB 系统开源
提出一种图分析方法用于动态人群场景异常状态检测.使用自适应Mean shift算法对场景速度场进行非参数概率密度估计聚类,聚类结果构成以聚类中心为顶点、各聚类中心之间距离为边权重的无向图.通过分析图顶点的空间分布及边权重矩阵动态系统的预测值与观测值之间的离散程度,对动态场景中的异常事件进行检测和定位.使用多个典型动态场景视频数据库进行对比实验,结果表明图分析方法适应性强、可有效监控动态人群场景中的异常状态.
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Human Activity and Posture Classification Using Single Non-Conta
2022-04-29 13:01:01 2.81MB 文档
MahNMF Manhattan Non-negative Matrix Factorization code % Manhattan Non-negative Matrix Factorization. % ManhNMF: Matlab Code for Efficient Robust Manhattan NMF Solver % Reference % [1] N. Guan, D. Tao, Z. Luo, and J. Shawe-taylor, "MahNMF: Manhattan % Non-negative Matrix Factorization," arXiv:1207.3438v1, 2012. % [2] N. Guan, D. Tao, Z. Luo, and J. Shawe-taylor, "MahNMF: Manhattan % Non-negative Matrix Factorization," Submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2013. % The model is X \approx W^TH, where X, W, and H are defined as follows: % X (m x n): data matrix including n samples in m-dimensional space; % W (r x m): basis matrix including r bases in m-dimensional space; % H (r x n): coefficients matrix includeing n encodings in r-dimensional space. % Written by Naiyang Guan ( % Copyright 2012-2014 by Naiyang Guan and Dacheng Tao % Modified at Jan. 28 2013 % % X : Input data matrix (m x n) % r : Target low-rank % % (Below are optional arguments: can be set by providing name-value pairs) % MAX_ITER : Maximum number of iterations. Default is 1,000. % MIN_ITER : Minimum number of iterations. Default is 10. % MAX_TIME : Maximum amount of time in seconds. Default is 100,000. % W_INIT : (m x r) initial value for W. % H_INIT : (r x n) initial value for H. % LAM_INIT : initial value of smoothness parameter. Default is 1. % MDL_TYPE : Model type (Default is 'PLAIN'), % 'PLAIN' - MahNMF (min{||X-W^T*H||_1,s.t.,W >= 0 and H >= 0}.), % 'BXC' - Box Constrained MahNMF (min{||X-W^T*H||_1,s.t.,1 >= W >= 0 and 1 >= H >= 0}.), % 'MNR' - Manifold Regularized MahNMF % (min{||X-W^T*H||_1+.5*beta*TR(H*Lp*H^T),s.t.,W >= 0 and H >= 0}.), % 'GSP' - Group Sparse MahNMF % (min{||X-W^T*H||_1+.5*beta*\sum_{g\in G}||W^[g]||_{1,p},s.t.,W >= 0 and H >= 0}.), % 'SYM' - Symmetric MahNMF (min{||X-H*H^T||_1,s.t., H >= 0}.). % ALG_TYPE : Algorithm type (Default is 'AGD'), % 'AGD' - Accelerated Gradient Descent, % 'RRI' - Rank-one Residue Iteration. % BETA : Tradeoff parameter over regularization term. Default is 1e-3. % SIM_MTX : Similarity matrix constructed by 'constructW'. % GPP_MTX : Group pattern for boundary of all groups. % TOL_INNR : Stopping tolerance of inner iterations. Default is 1e-2. % TOL_OUTR : Stopping tolerance of outer iterations. Default is 1e-3. % If you want to obtain a more accurate solution, decrease TOL_INNR or TOL_OUTR and increase MAX_ITER at the same time. % VB_OUTR : 0 (default) - No debugging information is collected. % 1 (debugging purpose) - History of computation is returned by 'HIS' variable. % 2 (debugging purpose) - History of computation is additionally printed on screen. % VB_INNR : 0 (default) - No debugging information is collected. % 1 (debugging purpose) - History of computation is returned by 'HIS' variable. % 2 (debugging purpose) - History of computation is additionally printed on screen. % % W : Obtained basis matrix (r x m). % H : Obtained coefficients matrix (r x n). % iter : Number of iterations. % elapse : CPU time in seconds. % HIS : (debugging purpose) History of computation, % niter - total iteration number spent for Nesterov's optimal % gradient method, % cpus - CPU seconds at iteration rounds, % objf - objective function values at iteration rounds, % dlta - stopping criteria of block coordinate descent. % % % >>X=rand(1000,500); % >>ManhNMF(X,10); % >>ManhNMF(X,20,'verbose',1); % >>ManhNMF(X,30,'verbose',2,'w_init',rand(r,m)); % >>ManhNMF(X,5,'verbose',2,'tol_outr',1e-5); % Note: other files 'GetStopCriterion.m', 'ApproxFunC.m', and 'wmedianf.mexw32' should be included under the same % directory as this code.
2022-03-23 20:35:03 29KB MahNMF MahNMF code
介绍 目的 本指南描述了用于设置和执行OpenFOAM研究的工作流程,并使用通过集管的水流模拟来说明该方法。 工作流由多个单独讨论的步骤组成。 该研究的目的是评估在不同条件下流体域中形成的压力,速度和温度模式。 该研究包括symmetric-velocity-temperature和asymmetric-velocity-temperature symmetric-velocity-temperature两种情况。 这些案例使用相同的“和“ ,但对入口贴片采用不同的“初始条件”(IC)和“边界条件”(BC),如“部分所述。 平台 这项研究是在具有以下配置的台式工作站上执行的: CPU( lscpu ):AMD锐龙7 1800X八核处理器 操作系统( uname -a ):Linux nick-AX370-Gaming 5.4.0-26-generic#30-Ubuntu SMP Mon
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快速 NLM 方法基于积分图像,并在 Darbon 的论文中进行了描述。 一般来说,这种快速实现比经典的 NLM 方法快 10 倍以上。
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