微服务,API网关,FastAPI身份验证,非阻塞I / O 此回购协议由考虑api网关方法的一堆小型微服务组成 预期微服务的数量是两个,但是考虑到服务不应该相互依赖以防止SPOF,还可以防止重复代码,因此我决定在api网关的前面放置一个对这两个服务都进行JWT身份验证的api网关, /祖尔 我们提供3种服务,包括网关。 只有网关可以通过内部网络(用户,订单)访问内部微服务 服务 网关:建立在FastAPI之上,简单的api网关,它的唯一职责是进行正确的路由,同时还要处理身份验证和授权 users(又名admin):将用户信息保留在其自己的假db(文件系统)中。 可以通过该服务执行简单的CRUD操作。 还有另一个登录端点,但是客户端是从真实响应中抽象出来的。 因此,网关服务将处理登录响应并相应地生成jwt令牌。 订单:用户(预订-身份验证)可以创建和查看(订单-授权)订单。 跑步 检
2021-11-13 11:11:36 220KB Python
.Net Microsoft Service Architecure for Containerized
2021-11-11 17:11:21 13.43MB CS
适用于Kubernetes的Apache APISIX 使用进行Kubernetes 。 apisix-ingress-controller中的所有配置都是使用Kubernetes CRD(自定义资源定义)定义的。 例如Apache APISIX中的configure ,针对上游的支持服务注册发现机制,负载平衡等。 apisix-ingress-controller是Apache APISIX控制平面组件。 目前,它适用于Kubernetes集群。 将来,我们计划将子模块分开以适应更多的部署模式,例如虚拟机集群。 apisix-ingress-controller的技术架构: 地位 该项目目前被认为是实验性的。 特征 使用具有最小学习曲线的k8s yaml结构,对具有自定义资源定义(CRD)的Apache APISIX进行声明式配置。 适用于Yaml期间的热重装。 本机Ku
2021-11-08 10:39:26 5.13MB api kubernetes devops microservices
示例微服务 这是一个有关如何使用Oat ++ Web Framework构建微服务以及如何利用功能的示例项目。 看更多: 笔记 有关此示例的更多信息,请参见文章。 在此存储库中 |- user-service/ // User-Service source code |- book-service/ // Book-Service source code |- facade/ // Facade source code |- monolith/all-services/ // Monolithic config to build all services as a Monolith |- bui
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The Tao of Microservices guides you on the path to understanding and building microservices. Based on the invaluable experience of microservices guru Richard Rodger, this book exposes the thinking behind microservice designs. You'll master individual concepts like asynchronous messaging, service APIs, and encapsulation as you learn to apply microservices architecture to real-world projects. Along the way, you'll dig deep into detailed case studies with source code and documentation and explore best practices for team development, planning for change, and tool choice. what's inside Principles of the microservice architecture Breaking down real-world case studies Implementing large-scale systems When not to use microservices ---------------------------------------------------- 具体介绍见 Amazon ,版权归原作者。 ----------------------------------------------------
2021-09-25 07:47:23 17.13MB Microservies
Spring Microservices in Action 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-09-22 13:57:13 18MB Spring Action
无水印,数字版,英文第一版。 Distributed systems have become more fine-grained in the past 10 years, shifting from code-heavy monolithic applications to smaller, self-contained microservices. But developing these systems brings its own set of headaches. With lots of examples and practical advice, this book takes a holistic view of the topics that system architects and administrators must consider when building, managing, and evolving microservice architectures. Microservice technologies are moving quickly. Author Sam Newman provides you with a firm grounding in the concepts while diving into current solutions for modeling, integrating, testing, deploying, and monitoring your own autonomous services. You’ll follow a fictional company throughout the book to learn how building a microservice architecture affects a single domain. Discover how microservices allow you to align your system design with your organization’s goals Learn options for integrating a service with the rest of your system Take an incremental approach when splitting monolithic codebases Deploy individual microservices through continuous integration Examine the complexities of testing and monitoring distributed services Manage security with user-to-service and service-to-service models Understand the challenges of scaling microservice architectures
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Migrating Legacy Monoliths to Cloud Native Microservices Architectures on Kubernetes.pdf
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该存储库显示了如何使用nestjs使用微服务架构构建API 这个例子的特点 此示例基本上是某些任务管理器应用程序的API。 它提供了执行注册用户,确认用户的电子邮件,管理用户任务的可能性。 使用docker-compose运行示例 从存储库的根目录执行docker network create infrastructure && cp .env.example .env && docker-compose up -d 访问API本身和有关该API的详尽文档 启动API后,即可在端口8000上访问它。 可通过URI“ ”在本地访问该API的Swagger文档 启动服务以进行集成测试(使用do
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Incentivizing Microservices for Online Resource S.pdf
2021-08-18 13:37:34 417KB 微服务 边缘计算