REST打字稿服务 这是一个用于打字稿的轻量级基于注释的扩展。 它可以用于使用装饰器定义API。 目录 安装 该库仅适用于打字稿。 确保已安装: npm install typescript -g 要安装typescript-rest: npm install typescript-rest --save 组态 Typescript-rest需要在tsconfig.json文件中使用以下TypeScript编译选项: { "compilerOptions" : { "experimentalDecorators" : true , "emitDecoratorMetadata" : true , "target" : "es6" // or anything newer like esnext } } 基本用法 import * as express from "express" ; import { Server , Path , GET , PathParam } from "typescript-rest" ; @ Path ( "/h
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在云中渲染Blender 3D场景(使用Docker) 一个简单的Web应用程序,可使用自定义文本呈现 3D场景。 使用docker run -p 8080:8080 API 网址参数: text :要渲染的文本,默认为HELLO 。 scene :要渲染的.blend文件的名称(不带扩展名),默认为basic ,其他受支持的值是outrun和outrun-filter 。 示例: /?text=OUTRUN&scene=outrun 带上自己的3D场景: 创建一个Blender场景,您的场景必须包含一个名称为Text的文本对象, 将您的.blend文件添加到models/文件夹中, 在本地运行服务器 使用docker build . -t render docker build . -t render 从docker run -p 8080:8080 render 在浏览器中打开http://localhost:8080/?text=Hey
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Service Mesh and Related Microservice Technologies in ONAP
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Microservice Patterns 介绍微服务相关的设计模式,包括应用体系结构模式,外部API模式 ,分解模式,测试模式,消息样式模式,安全模式,可靠通信模式,横切关注点模式,服务发现模式,观测模式,交易消息传递模式,数据一致性模式,业务逻辑设计模式,查询模式,部署模式,微服务重构模式
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Python Microservices Development(pdf+epub+mobi+code_files).zip
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Viktor Farcic 编写的微服务运维书籍,现在打包下载,总共有6本: The DevOps Toolkit 2.0 - Automating the Continuous Deployment Pipeline with Containerized Microservices The DevOps Toolkit 2.1 - Building,Testing,Deploying, and Monitoring services inside Docker Swarm Clusters The DevOps Toolkit 2.2 - Self-Sufficient Docker Clusters The DevOps Toolkit 2.3 - Kubernetes: Deploying and managing highly-available and fault-tolerant applications at scale The DevOps Toolkit 2.4 - Continuous Deployment To Kubernetes The DevOps Toolkit 2.5 - Monitoring,Logging,and Auto-Scaling Kubernetes
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This book will introduce you to the development of microservices with Rust. I started using Rust not that long ago, back in 2015. It had only been a couple of months since the release of version 1.0 and, at that time, I didn't think that this tool would usher in a silent revolution that would disrupt the traditions associated with system programming, which, at that time, was tedious and in no way fashionable.
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