2019-12-21 20:37:24 16KB MATLAB直方图
直方图均衡化去雾算法,基于图像增强的去雾算法 内容很简单 算法也很简单,效果不错
2019-12-21 20:31:57 454B matlab 直方图均衡化 去雾
Algorithm Description Recognizing objects from large image databases, histogram based methods have proved simplicity and usefulness in last decade. Initially, this idea was based on color histograms that were launched by swain [1]. This algorithm presents the first part of our proposed technique named as “Histogram processed Face Recognition” [2] For training, grayscale images with 256 gray levels are used. Firstly, frequency of every gray-level is computed and stored in vectors for further processing. Secondly, mean of consecutive nine frequencies from the stored vectors is calculated and are stored in another vectors for later use in testing phase. This mean vector is used for calculating the absolute differences among the mean of trained images and the test image. Finally the minimum difference found identifies the matched class with test image. Recognition accuracy is of 99.75% (only one mis-match i.e. recognition fails on image number 4 of subject 17) [1] M. J. Swain and D. H. Ballard, “Indexing via color histogram”, In Proceedings of third international conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pages 390–393, Osaka, Japan, 1990. [2] Fazl-e-Basit, Younus Javed and Usman Qayyum, "Face Recognition using processed histogram and phase only correlation ", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology pp. 238-242
2019-12-21 19:44:40 4.56MB Matlab Histogram 人脸识别
2019-12-21 19:40:48 1.25MB matlab 直方图均衡化 彩色图像增强
下面是一种直方图双峰法改进方法 1 求出图像中的最小和最大灰度值和的阈值初值 2根据阈值Tk将图像分割成目标和背景两部分求出两 部分的平均灰度值和其中 是图像上 点的灰度值 是 点的权重系数 取 点灰度的概率 3 求出新的阈值 4 若结束否则+ 1 转第2步 5 第4步结束后Tk即为最佳阈值。
2019-12-21 19:29:56 273B 双峰法