2023-04-06 09:52:27 1.56MB LTE 链路级仿真
LTE系统目前定义了5种下行信道:物理下行共享信道PDSCH、物理广播信道PBCH、物理多播信道PMCH、物理控制格式指示信道PC FICH、物理下行控制信道PDCCH。系统还定义了3种上行物理信道:物理随机接入信道PRACH、物理上行共享信道PUSCH、物理上行控制信道PUCCH。LTE下行主要采用QPSK、IGQAM、64QAM三种调制方式,上行主要采用BPSK、QPSK、8PSK和16QAM。针对广播业务,36PP提出了一种独特的分层调制方式。其基本思想是,在应用层将一个逻辑业务分成两个数据流,一个是高优先级的基本层,一个是低优先级的增强层。在物理层,这两个数据流分别映射大信号星座图的不
(Signals and Communication Technology) Markus Rupp, Stefan Schwarz, Martin Taranetz (auth.)
2023-04-01 00:26:41 16.85MB The Vienna LTE-Advanced Simulators
The UMTS Long Term Evolution_ From Theory to Practice, 2nd Edition -Wiley (2011)
2023-03-31 11:08:04 7.97MB LTE UMTS Stefania Sesia
LTE UMTS的长期演进:从理论到实践
2023-03-31 11:07:18 9.13MB LTE
The LTE (Long Term Evolution) and LTE-Advanced are among the latest mobile communications standards, designed to realize the dream of a truly global, fast, all-IP-based, secure broadband mobile access technology. This book examines the Physical Layer (PHY) of the LTE standards by incorporating three conceptual elements: an overview of the theory behind key enabling technologies; a concise discussion regarding standard specifications; and the MATLAB algorithms needed to simulate the standard. The use of MATLAB, a widely used technical computing language, is one of the distinguishing features of this book. Through a series of MATLAB programs, the author explores each of the enabling technologies, pedagogically synthesizes an LTE PHY system model, and evaluates system performance at each stage. Following this step-by-step process, readers will achieve deeper understanding of LTE concepts and specifications through simulations
2023-03-24 09:36:35 8.79MB LTE
2023-03-23 15:10:17 1.13MB 研究论文
最新版的QXDM工具,可以抓取高通平台log信息。亲测可用(使用环境win10 断网)。 QXDM5 安装包(自带licences) 版本号:QXDM5.5.1.350.1 可解析:LTE、NR 包含:Qcat,QUTS,QXDM5 安装注意: 1.需要clean环境,断网安装。电脑时间需改为2022年7月(不改会导致QUTS异常,无法使用,别的时间没试过) 2.安装完QPM后,关闭QPM的安装,会有个弹框提示,请根据弹框的提示进行操作(大概就是登录2次,进入离线模式登录。点击右上角...,第一项patching qualcomm tools,再点击下方的Refresh,关闭提示框,继续安装)。 3.直到安装结束。 使用注意: 我是断网使用的,联网如果不小心升级了会导致异常,licence丢失。 高通手机连接QXDM5使用方式: 1.通过adb输入命令打开diag口 adb sehll su setprop sys.usb.config diag,adb 2.注意手机需要有root权限才可开启。
2023-03-23 14:27:30 970.8MB QXDM5 QXDM
WCDMA FOR UMTS HSPA Evolution and LTE Fifth Edition Edited by Harri Holma and Antti Toskala Nokia Siemens Networks, Finland
2023-03-15 07:25:50 7.99MB HSPA
著名的NOKIA专家 Harri Holma , Antti Toskala在出版 WCDMA FOR UMTS 及HSDPA/HSUPA for UMTS之后 又推出本书,非常经典。
2023-03-15 07:20:59 10.37MB UMTS WCDMA LTE