2019-12-21 22:14:57 6.5MB DDR3&DDR4
随着转换器分辨率和速度的提高,对更高效率接口的需求也随之增长。JESD204接口可提供这种高效率,较之CMOS和LVDS接口产品在速度、尺寸和成本上更有优势。采用JESD204的设计具有更高的接口速率,能支持转换器的更高采样速率。此外,引脚数量的减少使得封装尺寸更小且布线数量更少,这些都让电路板更容易设计并且整体系统成本更低。该标准可以方便地调整,从而满足未来需求. 2006年4月,JESD204最初版本发布。该版本描述了转换器和接收器(通常是FPGA或ASIC)之间几个G比特的串行数据链路。
2019-12-21 21:00:51 1.96MB JESD 204B
This document defines the LPDDR4 standard, including features, functionalities, AC and DC characteristics, packages, and ball/signal assignments. The purpose of this specification is to define the minimum set of requirements for a JEDEC compliant 16 bit per channel SDRAM device with either one or two channels. LPDDR4 dual channel device density ranges from 4 Gb through 32 Gb and single channel density ranges from 2 Gb through 16 Gb. This document was created using aspects of the following standards: DDR2 (JESD79-2), DDR3 (JESD79-3), DDR4 (JESD79-4), LPDDR (JESD209), LPDDR2 (JESD209-2) and LPDDR3 (JESD209-3).
2019-12-21 20:29:06 7.48MB LPDDR4 DDR
jesd204b ip核 license(不是评估版本,not evaluation license)。2016.2-2018.3亲测可用。到vivado 2019.9版本之前都可以用。
2019-12-21 19:21:37 721B jesd licens xilinx vivado