这是由美联储经济数据库(FRED)托管的美联储数据集。有关每个文件的更多详细信息,请参见各个文件的说明。 industrial-production-business-equipment_metadata.json industrial-production-consumer-goods_metadata.json industrial-production-durable-consumer-goods_metadata.json industrial-production-durable-goods-raw-steel_metadata.json industrial-production-durable-manufacturing-motor-vehicles-and-parts_metadata.json industrial-production-durable-materials_metadata.json industrial-production-electric-and-gas-utilities_metadata.json industrial-production-electric-and-gas-utilities_metadata_1.json industrial-production-final-products-and-nonindustrial-supplies_metadata.json industrial-production-final-products-market-group_metadata.json industrial-production-fuels_metadata.json industrial-production-manufacturing-naics_metadata.json industrial-production-manufacturing-naics_metadata_1.json industrial-production-manufacturing-sic_metadata.json industrial-production-materials_metadata.json industrial-production-mining_metadata.json industrial-production-mining-crude-oil_metadata.json industrial-production-nondurable-consumer-goods_metadata.json industrial-production-nondurable-materials_metadata.json industrial-production-residential-utilities_metadata.json industrial-production-total-index_metadata.json IPB50001N.csv IPB51222S.csv IPBUSEQ.csv IPCONGD.csv IPDCONGD.csv IPDMAT.csv IPFINAL.csv IPFPNSS.csv IPFUELS.csv IPG2211A2N.csv IPG3361T3S.csv IPG211111CN.csv IPGMFN.csv IPMAN.csv IPMANSICS.csv IPMAT.csv IPMINE.csv IPN3311A2RN.csv IPNCONGD.csv IPNMAT.csv IPUTIL.csv
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Data-Driven Prediction for Industrial Processes and Their Applications (Information Fusion and Data Science) By 作者: Jun Zhao – Wei Wang – Chunyang Sheng ISBN-10 书号: 3319940503 ISBN-13 书号: 9783319940502 Edition 版本: 1st ed. 2018 Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2018-08-20 pages 页数: (443) Springer出版超清 This book presents modeling methods and algorithms for data-driven prediction and forecasting of practical industrial process by employing machine learning and statistics methodologies. Related case studies, especially on energy systems in the steel industry are also addressed and analyzed. The case studies in this volume are entirely rooted in both classical data-driven prediction problems and industrial practice requirements. Detailed figures and tables demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization of the methods addressed, and the classifications of the addressed prediction problems come from practical industrial demands, rather than from academic categories. As such, readers will learn the corresponding approaches for resolving their industrial technical problems. Although the contents of this book and its case studies come from the steel industry, these techniques can be also used for other process industries. This book appeals to students, researchers, and professionals within the machine learning and data analysis and mining communities.
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