This standard specifies static High Dynamic Range (HDR) metadata extensions using an additional InfoFrame and EDID CTA data block, replacing previously reserved codes in Table 5 and Table 46 of CTA-861-F [1]. Recommendations regarding the usage of static HDR metadata are also provided. These data structures allow signaling of SMPTE ST 2084 HDR EOTF [2] and SMPTE ST 2086 Mastering Display Metadata [3], while containing provisions for future HDR EOTFs and metadata. It is anticipated that these data structures will be extended to include additional EOTF and HDR metadata capabilities in future versions of CTA-861-F [1]. The requirements of this standard are in addition to and complement CTA-861-F [1]. All devices compliant to CTA-861.3 shall also comply with CTA-861-F [1], except that this standard deprecates and replaces Table 5 and Table 46 of CTA-861-F [1].
2022-05-03 10:52:42 341KB HDR
.hdr 素材
2022-04-11 09:16:35 14.18MB HDR
2022-03-23 16:30:22 4.27MB hdr
libjpeg 来自组)的10918-1(JPEG)的完整实现,其HDR扩展名为18477(JPEG XT) 此版本还包括针对ICIP 2016图像压缩大挑战实现的“类固醇上的JPEG”改进。 为了获得理想的视觉效果,请按以下方式运行jpeg: jpeg -q -oz -v -qt 3 -h -s 1x1,2x2,2x2 input.ppm output.jpg
2022-03-18 20:57:09 945KB C++
HDR环境光 压缩包 放到环境文件夹中 在KEYSHOT可以看见
2022-03-13 15:59:20 36.98MB 环境光
lythwood_field_4k 4K草地HDR贴图
2022-03-12 17:10:53 23.62MB 草地HDR贴
#HDR 库 可以从 LDR 图像的多重曝光序列创建 HDR 图像的 C++ 库。 它还可以应用色调映射运算符。 图像的合成 权重函数 Debevec Malik 最少 3 帧 色调映射 线性算子 对数运算符 指数运算符 Reinhard 全局运算符 发射 $ cd HDRlib $ qmake $ make $ ./HDRlib 依赖关系 - 开源计算机视觉软件库 - 可以从图像读取和写入 Exif 信息的库 执照 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 更多在 LICENSE 文件中
2022-03-12 13:45:29 18.36MB C++
高动态范围视觉差异预测器(HDR VDP)是一种感知指标,可以预测人类观察者是否可以看到两个图像之间的差异。
2022-03-11 18:33:05 10.69MB 开源软件
This standard specifies static High Dynamic Range (HDR) metadata extensions using an additional lnfoFrame and EDID CEA data block, replacing previously reserved codes in Table 5 and Table 46 of CEA-861-F [1]. Recommendations regarding the usage of static HDR metadata are also provided.
2022-03-09 16:15:10 1.41MB HDR CEA 元数据
MacOS 超炫4K高清屏保 Aerial 4K HDR 40G容量,本人下了2周才下完整,都是心血啊,只针对Catalina(MacOS 10.15及以上)。
2022-03-03 11:22:03 530B Aerial 4K 高清 屏幕保护