FIPS1402IG.pdf Implementation Guidance for FIPS 140-2
2021-06-04 19:00:11 4.61MB 信息安全
Space Vehicle Navigation Guidance And Control.pdf s report contains a general summary plus a detailed bibliography on Space Vehicle Guidance, Navigation, and Attitude Control. The report is intended as a general reference source for further research in various areas of Space Vehicle Guidance and Control. Only a general summarization is provided since a detailed analysis of all areas in this vast field would be unreasonable in terms of time and costs. Launch vehicle guidance and control is presented in I_SIC-494, entitled "Methods of Launch Vehicle Control."
2021-04-30 23:25:28 21.28MB space
Structure-Preserving Super Resolution with Gradient Guidance
2021-04-10 21:06:07 2.49MB 顶会论文翻译
Fossen 的 guidance and contrl of ocean vehicle 94年的书
2021-04-03 15:53:29 13.6MB guidance and
美国新型烟草PMTA指南, 包含3个指南文件, 它们是: 1, Final Guidance: Premarket Tobacco Product Applications for Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) (2019)-最终指南:电子尼古丁传送系统的上市前烟草产品应用(ENDS)(2019)。 2,Final Guidance: Meetings with Industry and Investigators on the Research and Development of Tobacco Products (2016)-最终指南:与行业和研究人员就烟草制品的研发进行会议(2016年)。 3,Draft Guidance: Applications for Premarket Review of New Tobacco Products (2011)-指南草案:新烟草制品的上市前审查申请(2011年)。
2021-03-27 21:04:18 1.34MB PMTA guidance 指南 新型烟草
Verasonics 仪器设备初次的安装使用说明,Verasonics是一个可以进行扩展的成像设备,依托于MATLAB的底层开发,进行各个Transducer 的单个测量
2021-03-24 22:01:17 359KB Transducer Verasonics 超声成像
L+2 , an Improved Line of Sight Guidance Law for UAVs
2021-03-12 09:06:47 870KB javaguard
A Multi-sensory Autonomous Docking Approach for a Self-reconfigurable Robot without Mechanical Guidance
2021-02-11 09:07:07 1.17MB 研究论文
2021-01-28 01:21:17 656KB 分布式一致性协议
2021-01-28 01:21:17 3.98MB 网络协议