本文从80 plus的官网下载而来,详细的介绍了在测试效率,功率因数,等参数时的测试步骤,及相关的测试设备仪器等
2021-06-08 10:23:47 1.06MB 80 plus 测试规范 效率测试
通用GFDM框架- GFDM框架的参考实现
2021-06-07 09:57:53 48.37MB MATLAB
2021-06-06 20:03:08 13.31MB wirelesscommunic
Generalized Linear Models书本,希望有帮助
2021-05-08 19:39:20 19.09MB Generalized Linear Models
介绍了两个用于双向微分方程和离散系统的构造性广义混沌同步(GCS)定理。 使用这两个定理,可以构造新的混沌系统,使系统变量位于GCS中。 给出了五个例子来说明理论结果的有效性。
2021-02-22 18:06:42 1.74MB generalized chaos synchronization; bidirectional
Magnetic Resonance Brain Image Classification via Stationary Wavelet Transform and Generalized Eigenvalue Proximal Support Vector Machine
2021-02-11 09:07:40 509KB 研究论文
Generalized Linear Mixed Models-book.pdf
2019-12-22 19:50:58 7.35MB Generalized Linear Mixed Models
The original purpose of the book was to present a unified theoretical and conceptual framework for statistical modelling in a way that was accessible to undergraduate students and researchers in other fields. The second edition was expanded to include nominal and ordinal logistic regression, survival analysis and analysis of longitudinal and clustered data. It relied more on numerical methods, visualizing numerical optimization and graphical methods for exploratory data analysis and checking model fit. The third edition added three chapters on Bayesian analysis for general- ized linear models. To help with the practical application of generalized linear models, Stata, R and WinBUGS code were added. This fourth edition includes new sections on the common problems of model selection and non-linear associations. Non-linear associations have a long history in statistics as the first application of the least squares method was when Gauss correctly predicted the non-linear orbit of an asteroid in 1801. Statistical methods are essential for many fields of research, but a widespread lack of knowledge of their correct application is creating inaccu- rate results. Untrustworthy results undermine the scientific process of using data to make inferences and inform decisions. There are established practices for creating reproducible results which are covered in a new Postface to this edition.
2019-12-21 21:47:34 3.88MB Generalized R Programmin
作者:Vidal, René, Ma, Yi, Sastry, S.S. 2016年新书。据作者说:研究 unsupervised learning,从一百多年前的PCA讲到压缩感知,知识纵跨上百年。横跨代数几何,数理统计,高维数据处理,优化算法。而应用更涉及科学和工程各个领域,是数据科学的入门基础
2019-12-21 21:35:53 12.84MB PCA GPCA unsupervised learning