官方离线安装包,测试可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
2022-01-04 09:01:54 1.46MB rpm
官方离线安装包,测试可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
2022-01-04 09:01:54 80KB rpm
官方离线安装包,测试可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
2022-01-04 09:01:53 32KB rpm
官方离线安装包,测试可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
2022-01-04 09:01:52 16KB rpm
2021-12-30 09:29:03 1KB LDPC的编码
https://blog.csdn.net/AIRKernel/article/details/122073727 配合这篇博客进行使用,对内部的代码进行了优化。 USB 获取YUV 图像,经过颜色转换成YUV 420 然后进行编解码相关操作。
2021-12-28 09:09:06 61KB colorConvert Encode Decode YUV
配合这个博客使用:https://blog.csdn.net/AIRKernel/article/details/122073727 将encode节点生成的H264视频流,转换成YUV图像。 Pipeline的使用。
2021-12-24 15:00:42 62KB H264Decode Encode pipeline
// This file is provided under the NDI Embedded SDK license that is contained // within the Embedded SDK documentation and is subject to the terms there-in. // Your use of any part of this SDK is acknowledgment that you agree to the SDK // license terms. #include "../ndi_common/stdafx.h" #include "ndi_encode.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #include #endif #include "Processing.NDI.Lib.h" // Global debug variables, from debug.h FILE *dbgstream = stderr; int debug_level = LOG_ERR; bool debug_flush = false; void boilerplate() { // Report the NDI SDK Version printf("%s\n", NDIlib_version()); printf("Copyright © 2020 NewTek, Inc.\n"); printf("Provided under NDI® Embedded SDK License\n"); printf("For more information please go to ndi.newtek.com\n"); printf("\n"); } void platform_warn(uint8_t platform) { // A little white space for clarity printf("\n"); // Warn about the NDI software timeout printf("NOTE: This version of the NDI Embedded SDK is designed for development use\n"); printf("and will run on a stream for 30 minutes. For a commercial use license,\n"); printf("please email ndi@newtek.com\n"); printf("\n"); switch (platform) { case hardware::ePlatform_ZCU104: // Warn about the evaluation core HDMI timeout printf("WARNING: The evaluation HDMI Rx core will time out after apx. 40 minutes of\n"); printf("system uptime. Reprogram the FPGA (reboot) to restore normal operation.\n"); printf("\n"); default: // Don't do anything break; } }
2021-12-15 09:56:09 46KB NDI C++ encode
配合这篇博客使用此资源https://blog.csdn.net/AIRKernel/article/details/121807558 将USB摄像头生成的YUV图像转换成H264文件输出,并可以在Ubuntu上播放此视频文件。完成对视频的压缩工作。
2021-12-14 16:02:03 55KB H264 YUV USBCamera YUVtoH264
二维码PDF417编码和解码的源代码,可将它们修改后做成匹配的编码和解码对。-The source code of two-dimensional barcode PDF417 encoding and decoding, they can be modified to become a matched encoding and decoding.
2021-12-13 09:53:09 225KB 二维码 PDF417