非常好的设计模式资料,对designed patterns中涉及的设计模式进行解释,是面向对象设计人员的必备资料
2022-03-07 22:59:06 3.56MB design pattern
《Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java》PDF 下载,本来是想0分的,但最低只能设置2分。
2022-02-27 10:19:02 1.98MB 设计模式
Design Patterns Explained A New Perspective on Object Oriented Design 设计模式的解释,比如,工厂模式,观察者模式的等等,简单易解
Java.Design Patterns A tutorial 电子书,pdf版
2022-02-26 23:02:55 4.73MB java Design Patterns
Make the most of Kotlin by leveraging design patterns and best practices to build scalable and high performing apps Key Features Understand traditional GOF design patterns to apply generic solutions Shift from OOP to FP; covering reactive and concurrent patterns in a step-by-step manner Choose the best microservices architecture and MVC for your development environment Book Description Design patterns enable you as a developer to speed up the development process by providing you with proven development paradigms. Reusing design patterns helps prevent complex issues that can cause major problems, improves your code base, promotes code reuse, and makes an architecture more robust. The mission of this book is to ease the adoption of design patterns in Kotlin and provide good practices for programmers. The book begins by showing you the practical aspects of smarter coding in Kotlin, explaining the basic Kotlin syntax and the impact of design patterns. From there, the book provides an in-depth explanation of the classical design patterns of creational, structural, and behavioral families, before heading into functional programming. It then takes you through reactive and concurrent patterns, teaching you about using streams, threads, and coroutines to write better code along the way By the end of the book, you will be able to efficiently address common problems faced while developing applications and be comfortable working on scalable and maintainable projects of any size What you will learn Get to grips with Kotlin principles, including its strengths and weaknesses Understand classical design patterns in Kotlin Explore functional programming using built-in features of Kotlin Solve real-world problems using reactive and concurrent design patterns Use threads and coroutines to simplify concurrent code flow Understand antipatterns to write clean Kotlin code, avoiding common pitfalls Learn about the design considerations necessary while choosing between architectures Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who would like to master design patterns with Kotlin to build efficient and scalable applications. Basic Java or Kotlin programming knowledge is assumed Table of Contents Getting Started with Kotlin Working with Creational Patterns Understanding Structural Patterns Getting familiar with Behavioral Patterns Pattern implementation using Functional Programming Exploring Streams Staying reactive Introduction: Threads and Coroutines Designed for concurrency Anti-patterns and Idioms Simplifying microservices and MVC
2022-02-21 20:39:15 1.41MB jvm kotlin 设计模式 并发
Spring 5 Design Patterns. PDF format. Spring 5 Design Patterns is for all Java developers who want to learn Spring for the enterprise application. Therefore, enterprise Java developers will find it particularly useful in the understanding of design patterns used by the Spring Framework and how it solves common design problems in the enterprise application, and they will fully appreciate the examples presented in this book. Before reading this book, readers should have basic knowledge of Core Java, JSP, Servlet, and XML.
2022-02-21 12:41:28 6.73MB Spring java design patter
2022-02-18 13:50:53 5.2MB Algorithms and Data Structures
2022-02-18 13:44:35 4.4MB Java Data_stucture_and_Algorithms SUN OOD
2022-02-10 20:26:39 2.91MB 设计模式
本书作者Eric Freeman;ElElisabeth Freeman是作家、讲师和技术顾问。本书的产品设计应用神经生物学、认知科学,以及学习理论,这使得这本书能够将这些知识深深地印在你的脑海里,不容易被遗忘。本书的编写方式采用引导式教学。以大量的生活化故事当背景,以图片做背景,阅读起来生动有趣。书中模式告白节目,将设计模式拟人化成节目来宾,畅谈其内在的一切。本书大量采用uML的class Diagram(Static Structure Diagram)。书中的例子程序都是用JaVa编写,本书所介绍的内容对于任何00语言的用户都适用,包括c++和c孝。 概览 目录 引子   1设计模式入门欢迎来到设计模式世界   2观察者模式让你的对象知悉现况   3装饰者模式装饰对象   4工厂模式烘烤OO的精华   5单件模式独一无二的对象   6命令模式封装调用   7适配器模式与外观模式随遇模式   8模板方法模式封装算法   9选代器与组合模式管理良好的集合   10状态模式事物的状态   11代理模式控制对象访问   12复合模式模式中的模型   13与设计模式相处真实世界中的模式   附录A:剩下的模式 索引……
2022-02-08 16:47:15 49.24MB HeadFirst 设计模式 英文影印原版 Design