博弈论书籍 Cooperative.Stochastic.Differential.Games David.W.K.Yeung pdf
来自 HTC 工程师 David Wu 的干货分享《Android 应用性能优化》,足足141页PPT,推荐。
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David Marr-Vision,供大家分享学习
2021-12-23 14:51:17 30.83MB 计算机视觉
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication David Tse and Pramod Viswanath Cambridge University Press, 2005 The wireless channel; PDF Point-to-point communication: detection, diversity and channel uncertainty; PDF Cellular systems: multiple access and interference management; PDF Capacity of wireless channels;PDF Multiuser capacity and opportunistic communication;PDF MIMO I: spatial multiplexing and channel modeling; PDF MIMO II: capacity and multiplexing architectures;PDF
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SIFT 模块匹配算法,包过DAVID LOWE 的几篇文章和代码和两篇中文文章.
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提出了求解线性系统和线性最小二乘系统的迭代方法。 该方法基于 Golub-Kahan 双对角化过程。 它在分析上等效于应用于正规方程的 MINRES 标准方法。 与 LSQR 相比,尽早终止 LSMR 更安全。 有关 LSMR 的详细信息可以在http://www.stanford.edu/group/SOL/software/lsmr.html http://www.stanford.edu/~clfong/lsmr.html
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This is the very first book to discuss the theory and principles of computer programming on the basis of the idea that a proof of correctness and a program should be developed hand in hand It is built around the method first proposed by Dijkstra in his monograph The Discipline of Programming 1976 involving a "calculus for the derivation of programs " Directing his materials to the computer programmer with at least one year of experience Gries presents explicit principles behind ">This is the very first book to discuss the theory and principles of computer programming on the basis of the idea that a proof of correctness and a program should be developed hand in hand It is built around the method first proposed by Dijkstra in his monograph The Discipline of Programming 1976 [更多]
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Probabilistic models of text and images Probabilistic graphical models and algorithms for genomic analysis computation and psychophysics of sensorimotor integration shaping and policy search in reinforcement learning
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