About GExperts GExperts is a free set of tools built to increase the productivity of Delphi and C++Builder programmers by adding several features to the IDE. GExperts is developed as Open Source software and we encourage user contributions to the project. GExperts 1.38 Beta 1 with Support for RAD Studio 10 Monday, 05 October 2015 GExperts 1.38 Beta 1 with support for RAD Studio 10 and older releases is now available fordownload. We've done some limited testing with RAD Studio 10, but please report any issues you find using the bug reporting tool in the about box. The changes include RAD Studio 10 support and enhanced Unicode support in several tools (see the Readme.txt for more details).
2021-12-25 23:04:57 37.94MB GExperts
The MIFARE4Mobile® Industry Group consists of leading players in the Near Field Communication (NFC) ecosystem including Gemalto, Giesecke & Devrient, NXP Semiconductors, Oberthur Technologies and STMicroelectronics. The group acts as a platform to guide the evolution of MIFARE4Mobile (M4M) technology.
2021-12-25 14:57:44 1.53MB M4M
杭州顶松DS822 D6/D6P 使用说明书
2021-12-22 09:48:23 839KB 顶松 DS822 使用说明书
此为源码,来之不易,请低调使用,如果用于商业用途,推荐购买正版 安装步骤请参考: http://blog.csdn.net/zengcong2013/article/details/12191631 delphi第三方插件UniDac是连接数据库的组件,替换ADO所有组件 UniDAC 1.0Universal Data Access...
2021-12-12 12:43:12 6.87MB UniDac D7 XE7 XE8
XLSReadWriteII delphi 操作Excel的控件。
2021-11-09 17:12:22 6.52MB DelphiXLSReadWr
Description Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle. TMS Component Pack for Delphi & C++Builder includes feature-packed grids, Office 2007 ribbon, Office 2003 style toolbar, planning/scheduling components, advanced edits, toolbars, internet auto application update, Office 2003/2007 style tabs, pager, panel, Outlook navigational controls and much much more... Demos Setup: http://www.tmssoftware.com/samples/pack/setup.exe
2021-10-26 08:37:01 116.23MB TMS
TMS 控件V7.5.2.0 全套(内含源码、DEMO)D6-XE7,,我还特意制作了D7版本的“安装方法“,其它版本类推! 我用这个本来只是为了使用AdvStringGrid,顺便安装了全套!(亲测良好!)
2021-10-25 15:44:01 113.99MB AdvStringGrid TMS 控件 源码
2021-10-18 21:03:08 3.32MB DELPHI xlsreadwriteii xlsspreadsheet
LMD VCL Complete Full Source v2011.11 支持(D6-XE2), 一套霸王级的控件包,附带控件数超过 150 个,是为Borland Delphi 开发的可以说是包罗万象的组件库,这些工具可以使程序员、初学者、甚至是高级程序员的编程工作更加快速
2021-10-13 10:41:37 14.87MB delphi 控件 XE2
2021-10-02 10:03:07 7.03MB 社保卡读卡器接口