2023-02-06 14:18:38 168KB S7 西门子 详解S7协议
Communication System Engineering Proakis 2nd edition
2023-02-06 01:32:25 1.52MB Communication System Engineering
Fundamentals of Wireless communication 课程PPT,对物理层有了很好的认识和带入,对于无线领域的研究十分的有帮助。
2023-01-14 23:16:33 1.81MB 无线通信
Thoroughly revised and updated edition of this in-depth discussion of both video compression and communication technology Since the publication of Wireless Video Communications five years ago, the area of video compression and wireless transceivers has evolved even further. This new edition addresses a range of recent developments in these areas, giving cognizance also to the associated transmission aspects and issues of error resilience. In this revision of Wireless Video Communications, substantial new material has been added on areas such as H.264 and MPEG4 coding. Covering compression issues, error resilience, coding delay, implementational complexity and bitrate, the book also gives an historical perspective to video communication. Includes brand new, previously unpublished information on advances in the field of video compression and communications. Introduces substantial new material on H.264 and MPEG4 coding and their error resilience and transceivers. Illustrates the expected performance of various video codecs in the context of integrated wireless transceivers. Covers video compression, channel coding and transmission Postgraduates and researchers in communication systems, undergraduates and development engineers of video compression applications will all find this a highly informative read.
2023-01-12 23:18:19 10.97MB Video Compression Communications Communication
simulation and software radio for mobile communication 移动通信、软件无线电仿真 matlab 程序
2023-01-05 22:32:46 92KB 移动通信和软件无线电仿真 matlab
2022-12-31 16:31:47 265KB communication serial communication
he products that drive the wireless communication industry, such as cell phones and pagers, employ circuits that operate at radio and microwave frequencies. Following on from a highly successful first edition, the second edition provides readers with a detailed introduction to RF and microwave circuits. Throughout, examples from real-world devices and engineering problems are used to great effect to illustrate circuit concepts. * Takes a top-down approach, describing circuits in the overall context of communication systems. * Presents expanded coverage of waveguides and FT mixers. * Discusses new areas such as oscillators design and digital communication. *An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.
2022-12-17 17:15:00 7.26MB 射频  微波 电路
经典的leach-mac协议文献。作者:Wendi Rabiner Heinzelman, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Hari Balakrishnan。写于2002年
2022-12-11 21:20:06 309KB leach mac协议
linux-IPCs Linux进程间通信方式汇总 目前已包含的方式 管道(PIPE) FIFO(有名管道) XSI消息队列 XSI信号量 XSI共享内存 POSIX信号量 域套接字(Domain Socket) 信号(Signal) 互斥量(Mutex) 其中信号(signal)和信号量(semaphore)本质上并不算是进程间通信方式,应该是进程间同步的方式,但是也可以起到一定的通信作用,故也列在上面。 另外普通的mutex是作用线程间同步用的,但是可以将进程A和进程B共享的内存中初始化一个mutex,这样就可以用将此mutex用作进程间通信用了。 扩展 进程与内核通信 其实本来的计划是分两个大块,一块写进程间通信,一块写内核与用户空间通信。后来时间有限,内核与进程间只写了一个netlink,所以没有放到这里,等以后有时间了再补充吧。 线程间同步 同一个进程的多个线程在同一个地址空间,
2022-12-01 14:39:11 46KB C