mit18.01 Single Variable Calculus 单变量微积分 上课讲义,作业,考试及答案
2022-04-29 16:06:08 27.68MB 数学
Calculus, Vol. 1 One-Variable Calculus, with an Introduction to to Linear Algebra by Tom M. Apostol
2022-04-15 12:06:07 9.65MB 线性代数 calculus 微积分
Thomas' Calculus 13th Edition
2022-04-09 15:08:12 22.06MB Thomas' Calculus
by Steven Shreve 通俗易懂的教材,适合金融数学,金融工程入门者学习。
2022-04-07 01:46:38 1.19MB stochastic calculus and finance
SUMS05 Vector Calculus, Paul C. Matthews (1998) .zip SUMS05 Vector Calculus, Paul C. Matthews (1998) .zip
2022-03-27 15:12:23 6.33MB math
Roger Hindley写的lambda演算经典书籍 Combinatory logic and lambda-calculus, originally devised in the 1920s, have since developed into linguistic tools, especially useful in programming languages. The authors' previous book served as the main reference for introductory courses on lambda-calculus for over 20 years: this version, first published in 2008, is thoroughly revised and offers an account of the subject with the same authoritative exposition. The grammar and basic properties of both combinatory logic and lambda-calculus are discussed, followed by an introduction to type-theory. Typed and untyped versions of the systems, and their differences, are covered. Lambda-calculus models, which lie behind much of the semantics of programming languages, are also explained in depth. The treatment is as non-technical as possible, with the main ideas emphasized and illustrated by examples. Many exercises are included, from routine to advanced, with solutions to most at the end of the book.
2022-03-26 20:39:26 251KB Lambda 函数式编程 计算理论 数学
Thomas' Calculus, 英文版第13版和中文版第10版 打包下载,pdf 文档,英文版有良好的书签,中文版没有书签可供对照参考
2022-03-22 10:52:38 56.95MB Thomas' Calculus 英文版第13版 中文版第10版
差异 该软件包用于数值计算分数导数和积分(微积分)。 可以使用多种不同的积分定义选项,包括Grunwald-Letnikov(GL),“改进的” Grunwald-Letnikov(GLI),Riemann-Liouville(RL)和Caputo(即将推出!)。 通过API,您可以在一个点或一组函数值上计算差分积分。 动机 分数分数微积分的现成易用代码几乎没有。 当前可用的功能通常是更大包装中的智能部件,或者仅提供一种数值算法。 Differentint软件包提供了多种算法来计算差分积分,并提供了与广义二项式系数有关的一些辅助功能。 安装 该项目需要Python 3+和NumPy才能运行。 使用pip从Python打包索引( )进行安装很简单。 pip install differint 包含文件 核心文件 描述 differentint / 包含分数微分和积分算法。 测试/ 包含所有单元测试的测试套件。 以上两个文件都有对应的__init__.py文件。 设定档 描述 .gitignore git push / pull请
这是美国流行的两本微积分教材中的一本,由dale varberg等编写,此处是本书的课后习题答案
2022-03-01 21:05:51 12.98MB Calculus8thEdition Varberg Purcell Rigdon.rar
By Ron Larson - Calculus: An Applied Approach: 8th (eigth) Edition
2022-02-28 23:29:47 21.2MB Calculus