2021-08-26 19:29:55 7.84MB 数学
Oriented Edge Forests for Boundary Detection论文中文翻译,结论部分未翻译,翻译不好的请指教。
2021-08-25 16:29:38 1.25MB 图像边缘分析
边界扫描的介绍,边界扫描与JTAG的关系“边界扫描(Boundary Scan)测试发展于上个世纪90年代,随着大规模集成电路的出现,印制电路板制造工艺向小,微,薄发展,传统的ICT 测试已经没有办法满足这类产品的测试要求。由于芯片的引脚多,元器件体积小,板的密度特别大,根本没有办法进行下探针测试。一种新的测试技术产生了,联合测试行为组织(Joint Test Action Group)简称JTAG 定义这种新的测试方法即边界扫描测试。”
2021-08-17 21:26:23 858KB JTAG BS
2021-08-11 17:31:41 46KB python 上传 boundary
2021-08-08 16:24:30 915KB boundary scan dft
This is a sequel to the book “Programming the Boundary Element Method” by G. Beerpublished by Wiley in 2001. The scope of this book is different however and this is reflected in the title. Whereas the previous book concentrated on explaining the implementation of a limited range of problems into computer code and the emphasis was on programming, in the current book the problems covered are xtended, the emphasis is on explaining the theory and computer code is not presented for all topics. The new topics covered range from dynamics to piezo-electricity. However, the main idea, to provide an explanation of the Boundary Element Method (BEM), that is easy for engineers and scientists to follow, is retained. This is achieved by explaining some aspects of the method in an engineering rather than mathematical way. Another new feature of the book is that it deals with the implementation of the method on parallel processing hardware. I. M. Smith, who has been involved in programming the finite element method for decades, illustrates that the BEM is “embarrassingly parallelisable”. It is shown that the conversion of the BEM programs to run efficiently on parallel processing hardware is not too difficult and the results are very impressive, such as solving a 20 000 element problem during a “coffee break”. Due to the fact that, compared to the Finite Element Method, a significantly smaller group of people are working in this field the development of the method is lagging considerably behind. The often quoted comparison that the method is a “Cinderella”, dominated by her “big sister”, the Finite Element Method, and whose beauty is hidden away, is still true and we hope that the reader will see the beauty of the method in the examples on industrial applications and the advanced topics presented at the end. The book includes some innovative development work carried out by the small but very active group at the Institute for Structural Analysis, Graz University of Technology, Austr
2021-08-03 20:43:36 5.15MB 边界元 代码
Tessent® BoundaryScan User’s Manual For Use with Tessent Shell Software Version 2017.4 December 2017
2021-07-27 21:04:15 2.09MB Tessent Shell Boundary Scan
真棒边缘检测纸 边缘检测论文和相应的源代码/演示程序(也称为轮廓检测或边界检测)的集合。 随时创建PR或问题。 (首选“拉式请求”) 大纲 0.边缘检测相关数据集 简称 原始纸 来源 介绍 TPAMI 2011 经典边缘检测数据集。 CVPR 2013 边缘来自带注释的分割蒙版的边界。 视觉研究2016 带边界注释。 CVPR 2020 边缘来自带注释的线框。 1.基于深度学习的方法 1.1常规边缘检测 简称 纸 来源 代码/项目链接 数码光盘 ACM MM 2020年 德西尼德 WACV 2020 BDCN CVPR 2019 RCN CAIP 2019 线路板 ECCV 2018 AMH网 NIPS 2017 RCF CVPR 2017 CED CVPR 2017 COB ECCV 2016 RDS CVPR 2016 HFL ICCV 2015 HE
2021-07-07 17:15:12 106B 计算机科学
Fourier Analysis and Boundary Value Problems (Gongzalez-Velasco)
2021-05-24 12:05:11 39.57MB Fourier Analysis