2023-02-23 18:43:10 28KB ibm rsa rational architecture
这是一本学习SAS协议的入门书籍,很不错的。 英文版
2023-02-15 19:50:33 5.11MB SAS SCSI
SCSI Architecture Model - 5 SAM-5
2023-02-14 19:13:43 1.09MB SCSI Architecture Model
matlab精度检验代码使用AlexNet架构识别青光眼 以下存储库包含使用深度学习对OCT眼底图像进行训练和测试的代码: 青光眼是一种与之相关的眼部疾病,会导致视神经受损,从而将信息从眼睛传递到大脑。 青光眼最初会导致周围视力丧失,最终会导致永久性失明。 据估计,全球青光眼病例超过6000万,到2020年它将增加到8000万。社区中仍有超过90%的青光眼病例未被诊断。 由于青光眼通常是无痛的,因此人们可能对严格使用可以控制眼压并有助于防止永久性眼部伤害的眼药水变得粗心。 眼科医生可能会使用视野检查法,眼压测量法和检眼镜检查法来诊断青光眼。借助深度学习,计算机辅助自动检测青光眼是可能的。 本文提出了利用ACRIMA数据库眼底图像进行青光眼检测的通用深度学习模型。 与传统的手工制作光盘特征的方法不同,特征是通过卷积神经网络(CNN)从原始图像中自动提取特征。在我们的CNN模型中,AlexNet体系结构被用于自动特征检测 给定的存储库包含以下数据:1)训练数据(来自ACRIMA数据库的青光眼和非青光眼OCT图像)2)训练代码3)测试代码 使用的软件:1)MATLAB 过程:步骤1:在计算机
2023-02-06 23:09:59 4.7MB 系统开源
PCI Express System Architecture 222页 PCIE 系统架构,很好的参考资料
2023-02-06 16:32:24 5.85MB PCI Express Syst
2023-01-31 11:16:25 9.5MB
2023-01-04 14:00:49 937KB 安全
'We have always recommended these books to our customers and even our own engineers for developing a better understanding of technologies and specifications. We find the latest PCI Express book from MindShare to have the same content and high quality as all the others.' --Nader Saleh, CEO/President, Catalyst Enterprises, Inc. PCI Express is the third-generation Peripheral Component Inter-connect technology for a wide range of systems and peripheral devices. Incorporating recent advances in high-speed, point-to-point interconnects, PCI Express provides significantly higher performance, reliability, and enhanced capabilities--at a lower cost--than the previous PCI and PCI-X standards. Therefore, anyone working on next-generation PC systems, BIOS and device driver development, and peripheral device design will need to have a thorough understanding of PCI Express. PCI Express System Architecture provides an in-depth description and comprehensive reference to the PCI Express standard. The book contains information needed for design, verification, and test, as well as background information essential for writing low-level BIOS and device drivers.In addition, it offers valuable insight into the technology's evolution and cutting-edge features. Following an overview of the PCI Express architecture, the book moves on to cover transaction protocols, the physical/electrical layer, power management, configuration, and more. Specific topics covered include: *Split transaction protocol *Packet format and definition, including use of each field *ACK/NAK protocol *Traffic Class and Virtual Channel applications and use *Flow control initialization and operation *Error checking mechanisms and reporting options *Switch design issues *Advanced Power Management mechanisms and use *Active State Link power management *Hot Plug design and operation *Message transactions *Physical layer functions *Electrical signaling characteristics and issues *PCI Express enumeration procedures *Configuration register definitions Thoughtfully organized, featuring a plethora of illustrations, and comprehensive in scope, PCI Express System Architecture is an essential resource for anyone working with this important technology.MindShare's PC System Architecture Series is a crisply written and comprehensive set of guides to the most important PC hardware standards. Books in the series are intended for use by hardware and software designers, programmers, and support personnel. 0321156307B08262003
2022-12-20 17:31:02 12.57MB PCI Express
This paper presents power management guidelines for PCI Express links on Intel-based Mobile platforms. It describes the mapping from platform sleeping states and device power states to link power states, including the procedure to support Mobile-specific S1/POS and CPU C3/C4 scenarios. Device and platform power saving opportunities are identified for each link power state. L1 entry policy is also recommended to optimize device power. Several power optimization techniques are described, including minimizing flow control updates and acknowledgement packets to improve bandwidth efficiency, and pipelining packets to increase opportunities for active state link power management. These power management guidelines enable architectural innovation to achieve power-optimized interconnect performance.
2022-12-20 00:51:35 88KB PCIe
注:英文版 作者:Martin Fowler 本书作者是当今面向对象软件开发的权威,他在一组专家级合作者的帮助下,将40多种经常出现的解决方案转化成模式,最终写成这本能够应用于任何一种企业应用平台的、关于解决方案的、不可或缺的手册。本书获得了2003年度美国软件开发杂志图书类的生产效率奖和读者选择奖。本书分为两大部分。第一部分是关于如何开发企业应用的简单介绍。第二部分是本书的主体,是关于模式的详细参考手册,每个模式都给出使用方法和实现信息,并配以详细的Java代码或C#代码示例。此外,整本书中还用了大量UML图来进一步阐明有关概念。 本书是为致力于设计和构建企业应用的软件架构师、设计人员和编程人员而写的,同时也可作为高等院校计算机专业及软件学院相关课程的参考教材。
2022-12-19 09:51:13 968KB Patterns Enterprise Architecture