0)Unzip the zip file -- Remember to extract paths!
1)Open 'Linker.vbp' (in the 'linker' folder) and compile it.
2)Copy the 'MakeDLL.exe' file (in the 'compiled' folder) to your Visual Basic directory.
3)Open 'MakeDLLAddin.vbp' (in the 'addin' folder) and compile it
4)Go into Visual Basic, and click Add-Ins -> Add-In Manager. There should be an addin listed called 'Create DLLs In Visual Basic' (or similar). Make sure both 'Loaded' and 'Load On Startup' are ticked.
4a)If the addin wasn't listed, copy 'MakeDLL.DLL' (in the 'compiled' folder) into your Visual Basic directory and restart Visual Basic.
5)Copy all the files in the 'dll project' folder to your Visual Basic Project Templates folder (usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\template\projects)'外界程序'=>'外界程序管理器',会看到一个叫做'Create DLLs In Visual Basic'或类似名字的东东,选中之,再勾上右下角的'在启动中加载'和'加载/卸载'即可。如果在'外界程序管理器'中未发现此项,则将'compiled'目录中的'MakeDLL.DLL'文件拷贝之你的VB目录并重启VB。
将'dll project'目录下所有文件拷贝至VB工程模板文件夹中(通常是: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\template\projects)