2022-07-11 18:00:36 14.84MB icc
2022-07-01 19:17:48 10.95MB sonic 解码器
本人自己翻译的Burp Suite 专业版的中文手册,陆续更新,请期待
2022-06-30 18:00:21 265KB burpsuite
IonCube v8.3 Decoder 解密工具 官方最新版本 支持解密: IonCube 8.3 , IonCube 7.x , IonCube 6.x ( PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.2 )
2022-06-14 14:37:20 31.26MB IonCube v8.3 Decoder
深度视觉注意力预测 该存储库包含Keras实现的“深度视觉注意力预测”论文,该论文发表在IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
2022-06-09 15:09:31 1.18MB AVS 编码 解码 源代码
BASE64 jar包 压缩文件中有:encoder和decoder两个jar文件
2022-06-09 12:02:06 10KB BASE64 encoder decoder jar包
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RS Decoder (31,19,6) v1.1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This project consists of 8 verilog files including a testbench file. The files are: - RSDecoder.v : contains description of top module of the decoder. It combines 5 modules of typical RS Decoder building blocks. - scblock.v : contains description of the SC (Syndrome Computation) block and its submodules. - kesblock.v : KES (Key Equation Solver) block and its submodules. - cseeblock.v : CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator) block and parallel invers multiplier module. CSEE is the only block in the decoder that use invers multiplier to compute error magnitude using Fourney Formula. - controller.v : describes controller module. It consists of 2 FSMs and 2 counters. - fifo_register.v : a FIFO register consists of 31 registers to store received word and a register to synchronize outputted data with CSEE block. - common_modules.v: this file contains basic modules that used by other higher modules. It behaves like a library for the project. - testbench.v : the testbench contains 3 different received word vectors. First received word contains no error symbol. Second word contains 6 error symbols and the last word contains 8 error symbols. Limitations in this version: Despite its high data rates, the decoder has some limitations that must be considered. - It flags decoding failure at the end of outputted word. So, other block outside the decoder cannot differentiate between uncorrected word and corrected word until it receive decoding failure flag at the end of the word. - Decoding failure is detected when degree of error location polynomial and number of its roots is not equal. It means the error location polynomial doesn't have roots in the underlying GF(2^5). To determine the roots, decoder must activate CSEE block first. Hence, decoding failure is detected after all elements in GF(2^5) have been evaluated. - Uncorrectable word still have to be summed with wrong error values. Because decoding failure is detected at the end of word, there is no other mechanism to solve the problem, unless decoder start to output the word after all GF(2^5) elements has been evaluated. Hopefully, in next version, limitations above can be solved. Rudy Dwi Putra rudy.dp@gmail.com
2022-05-27 09:23:34 13KB RS Decoder
费诺编码matlab代码fano 顺序解码器 Matlab中用于数据通信和网络的卷积码顺序解码器(Fano算法) 问题陈述 Q42。 用于g1 = 110111001和g2 = 111011001的卷积码(2、1、11)解码的MATLAB代码,以及使用阈值最高为5的顺序解码对错误检测和纠正的百分比进行分析的MATLAB代码。 贡献者 Praveen Kumar古普塔-16CO235 沙申克P-16CO247 用法 在main.m ,更新生成函数,存储单元数,要传递给编码器的位长以及用于错误分析的最大错误位。 在此处运行所有脚本一次,以将功能加载到matlab控制台。 通过在matlab控制台中输入main来运行main模块。 请注意,错误分析可能需要一些时间来生成所有案例并根据给定案例所需的计算能力来编译错误。 用法示例 参数 g1 = [ 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 ]; g2 = [ 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 ]; threshold = 5 ; memory_bits = 11 ; input_bits = 4 ; max_errors = 6 ; 模组 mai
2022-05-22 18:51:32 42KB 系统开源
2022-05-20 18:53:40 889KB JPEG decoder