2021-04-23 20:58:21 629B matlab dll动态库
2021-03-27 19:59:29 6KB linux c++
写之前需要准备以下内容 android studio 已ROOT安卓设备 GG修改器 打开android studio,创建Native C++ Project activity_main.xml <?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android android:layout_width=match_parent android:layout_height=match_parent andro
2021-02-21 16:29:41 83KB AND android id
This package is used for calling r language from matlab Most of the files already exist on the Internet But I wrote five to complement this package 1 In R enter: >install packages "rscproxy" 2 Install statconnDCOM latest 3 Download the Matlab R Link toolbox Unzip MATLAB RLINK then paste MATLAB RLINK in Matlab"s toolbox folder or whatever folder you want Be sure to add MATLAB RLINK to your Matlab path 4 Use template and function In the content of matlab2r m there"s a line: matlab2r "y x^2" "x" "y" ; The general form is: matlab2r command input variables output variables ; In case of multi variables or multi commands use matlab2r "Rcommand1;Rcommand2; " {"variable1" "variable2" } {"variable1" "variable2" } ; And write your matlab codes in other places ">This package is used for calling r language from matlab Most of the files already exist on the Internet But I wrote five to complement this package 1 In R enter: >install packages "rscproxy" 2 Install statconnDCOM latest 3 Download the Matlab R Link toolbox Unzip MATLAB [更多]
2019-12-21 21:28:29 6.87MB matlab R语言
比较5个数 (1, 3,5,7, 9)的大小,返回最大值使用C调用汇编语言实现。
2019-12-21 20:40:42 46KB ARM 汇编
2019-12-21 19:58:05 5KB jni java linux