mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=info.monitorenter -DartifactId=cpdetector -Dversion=1.0.10 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/jar文件所在的路径/cpdetector_1.0.10.jar
2022-01-28 14:41:47 462KB cpdetector 文本编码格式
Tajima 绣花机 花型数据编码格式 I’m also including an imbedded copy of the sample file for easy reference. Here’s a breakdown of the parts of the header we know and don’t know. All entries in the header seem to be 2 ASCII characters followed by a colon, then it’s value trailed by a carriage return. First is the ‘LA’ entry, which is the design name with no path or extension information. The blank is 16 characters in total, but the name must not be longer that 8 characters and padded out with 0x20. Next is the stitch count ST, this is a 7 digit number padded by leading zeros. This is the total stitch count including color changes, jumps, nups, and special records. Next, is CO or colors, a 3 digit number padded by leading zeros. This is the number of color change records in the file. Next is +X or the positive X extent in centimeters, a 5 digit non-decimal number padded by leading zeros. Following is the -X or the negative X extent in millimeters, a 5 digit non-decimal number padded by leading zeros. Again, the +Y and –Y extents. Next is AX, AY, MX, MY, and PD. I didn’t have any clue what these were, but a really cool support guy at Brother cleared it up for me…
2022-01-08 09:54:51 83KB Tajima 绣花机 编码格式
Android解析SILK编码格式转WAV, 转换完的采样率是24000 ,没有文件头。 根据需求自己在文件前面加文件头。 后续会发 转换采样率的代码
2021-12-11 15:12:25 812KB 安卓SILK
背景 在保存微信客户昵称的时候数据库遇到如下错误,原因在于UTF-8编码有可能是两个、三个、四个字节。Emoji表情或者某些特殊字符是4个字节,而Mysql的utf8编码最多3个字节,所以数据插不进去。 Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x8C\xB7' for column 'nickname' at row 1 解决方案 修改nickname的编码格式,没必要修改整个表。这种方式也不需要重启数据库,修改完即生效 ALTER TABLE bis_visitor_info MODIFY `nickn
2021-12-03 11:38:23 34KB al c col
2021-11-11 13:03:12 1.06MB MadEdit 编码格式 查看器 Mad
2021-11-11 12:02:33 7.19MB MadEdit 编码格式 查看器 Mad
文件编码格式批量转换格式 支持整目录转换。 转后后的数据保持源目录的结构输出到全新的目录下。 系统支持输入GB2312,系统默认,UTF-8 / UTF-16。 如果是微软的stupid格式的文本,系统支持自动判断数据格式。 输出支持GB2312,系统默认,UTF-8 / UTF-16。
2021-11-09 19:32:39 16KB 编码 转换 UTF Unicode
支持处理编码格式"GB2312", "GBK", "HZ"等
2021-10-29 16:32:49 10KB 编码 处理 识别 匹配
纯C语音进行各种格式编码直接的转换。 int gbk_to_unicode int unicode_to_gbk int unicode_to_utf8 int utf8_to_unicode
2021-10-27 21:56:28 88KB c utf8 unicode gbk