智能画像专家是一款公安局专用模拟画像软件,根据目击者的描述,选择确认特征后,电脑即刻自动生成符合特征的人像连续显示。功能强大,方便快捷。 软件介绍: 在1024*768分辨率下运行 智能画像 功能强大 独创智能画像技术,根据目击者的描述,选择确认特征后,电脑即刻自动生成符合特征的人像连续显示。也可从发型、脸型、眉毛、眼睛、鼻子、胡须、嘴型库中选择合适的五官人工组像,五官位置、肤色自动匹配,并可随意
2022-07-04 21:06:24 14.77MB 图形图像
71个用户画像相关完整资料 对于构建用户画像很有帮助
2022-06-28 19:55:01 98.89MB 用户画像 大数据
2022-06-23 14:05:16 336KB java 用户画像
2022-06-21 13:00:14 1.94MB 互联网
Spark+ES+ClickHouse 构建DMP用户画像(共8章+源码+文档资料+视频免密,2.84GB),供大家参考学习,目录结构: 第1章DMP用户画像项目介绍(4个文件) 第2章项目环境搭建(14个文件) 第3章DMP和用户画像(7个文件) 第4章用户画像搭建之特征工程(16个文件) 第5章用户画像搭建之标签体系构建(11个文件) 第6章用户画像搭建之群体用户画像构建(12个文件) 第7章用户画像搭建之DMP人群管理(12个文件) 第8章项目展示及版本升级解决方案(4个文件) 源码(64个文件) 资料代码(90个文件)
2022-06-17 19:08:04 138B spark es clickhouse
2022-06-17 11:05:22 773KB 用户画像 特征 标签
博客文章: https://blog.csdn.net/lm19770429/article/details/124221123 https://blog.csdn.net/lm19770429/article/details/124981430
2022-06-16 09:08:45 18.91MB spark 大数据
2022-06-08 09:07:30 6.33MB 汽车 媒体 文档资料
ABSTRACT Electricity power supply company has entered the era of market economy as the deepening of reform, and the pressure to run the company well is increasing gradually. However, some questions, such as malicious default, electricity bills evasion, electricity cheat, and so on, still have not been solved. How to effectively avoid the arrearage risk and improve the economic benefit is key for the enterprises. This paper mainly studied the power users credit rating evaluation based on big data. This system proposed a new algorithm model which combined traditional k-Nearest-Neighbor (KNN) and Simulated annealing (SA) and used the big data software framework and data processing technology to rapid construct the users portrait as well as evaluate the users rating and credit rating division, evaluation and so on. Finally, the results were presented and then laid a good foundation for the researches in future.
2022-05-26 14:15:41 701KB 用户画像