Laboratory Animal House Management Platform
This project is developed by Laboratory Animal House Management Group of Software Engineering upper-division Course, Computer Science and Technology 2017, China Agricultural University (CAU). The provided functions include logistics management, Animal Health Care, Environment supervision, Animal Breeding Management, Animal Raising Management, and Animal Welfare System, which intend to give assistance to the managers and employees of Animal House with their routine work.
Software Environment
Project Framework:Maven-based Spring+SpringMVC+MyBatis
Development Environment:IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
Subversion Tool:TortoiseSVN mounted on IDEA
Front-end Framework: Layui
Database:MYSQL 5.7.17
Web Server:apache-tomcat-7.0.104-windows-x64
Java:Java 11
To run this project, we first need to install several required software, including download this GitHub repo.
JDK and configured in Environment Variables as JAVA_HOME (JDK 11 is recommended).
IntelliJ IDEA (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is recommended).
Tomcat(7 and above is recommended)
Run the project
Make sure the prerequisites have been satisfied. The detailed process is provided as an example tutorial.
Below are a few screenshots of logistics management system, which is part of the whole project and developed by author (ZLJ).
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