RFC 791,Internet Protocol,IP协议规范,学习IP协议的参考
2022-11-13 22:41:54 84KB RFC791;IP
ppt 第一页 it is my pleasure to take a presentation .my topic is the internet of things. ppt 第二页 firstly ,I should denote that the internet of things is a part of smart earth which is ibm ‘s dream .Except for internet of things ,the smart earth is composed of two other parts, they are the internet and internet clouds ppt第三页 Now I will introduce the internet of things. ppt第四页 The internet of things can be divided into three layers: sensor layer, network layer and the application layer. the bottom level is sensor layer . the function of sensor layer is to distinguish the objects, and collect information。 this layer includes two dimensional barcode label and conversational machine, RFID tags and literacy device, cameras, GPS, sensors, terminal, sensor network ,and so on。this layer is mainly used to identify the object, gathering information, just like human‘s nose eyes and ear . the second level is network layer . network layer is used for Information transmission and processing .the network layer includes network management center, information center and intelligent processing center, and so on. The network layer will transfer and process information obtained by sensor layer. it is similar to human‘s nerve center. the top level is application layer . the application layer is related to the industry demand .and different needs require different applications
2022-11-13 20:56:53 375KB internet things presentation smart
Internet_file flask练手项目---文件上传下载的管理系统
2022-11-03 16:16:16 445KB HTML
分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击脚本 此仓库包含从Internet收集的各种DDoS脚本。 使用这些脚本可以定位第4层和第7层级别。 注意:首先,需要使用GCC编译器来编译用'C'编写的脚本。 使用这些脚本,可以对各种高度的服务器发起大规模的分布式拒绝服务攻击。 这些脚本可用于负载测试应用程序或类似功能。 免责声明:确保您具有在目标系统上进行DDoS攻击的权限。 这些DDoS脚本仅用于测试目的。 对于使用这些脚本发起的DDoS攻击所引起的任何结果,我概不负责。 〜普拉内斯·卡内纳
2022-10-15 23:08:25 115KB python c ddos internet
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2022-10-15 18:26:52 8KB IDM 石皮解 补丁
WinDbg 800C2EFD(ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT)符号下载错误,主要是我们的WINDBG设置的不够科学,没有搭建ti子,需要我们自建梯zi。
2022-10-15 17:46:14 69KB 800C2EFD
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BSNL实习:使用具有物理网络安全性的虚拟局域网(VLAN)设计园区网络,并使用Cisco Packet Tracer通过有线和无线访问实现Internet的连通性
2022-10-14 01:07:41 1.19MB
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2022-10-13 18:23:57 77.18MB IE11 win7 64位
我用的系统式windows XP精简版,没有IIS组件,需要自己装,网上找了很多都装不了。我找的这个可以直接安装,很方便Internet Information Server 5.1
2022-10-07 15:43:26 11.53MB Internet Information Server 5.1