我们研究了在 makespan(最后到达时间)标准上的图(MPP)上的最优多机器人路径规划问题。 我们实现了 A* 搜索算法来寻找解决方案。 在 MPP 实例中,机器人被唯一标记(即,可区分)并被限制在 nxn 平方连接图中。 在没有碰撞的情况下,机器人可能会在一个时间步长内从一个顶点移动到相邻的一个顶点,这可能发生在两个机器人同时移动到同一顶点或沿同一条边向不同方向移动时。 我们的 MPP 公式的一个显着特点是我们允许机器人在完全占用的循环中同步旋转。 为了解决上述问题,我们实施了 A* 算法,以从给定的初始 3x3 机器人位置和所需的 3x3 机器人位置中找到最佳路线。 第一个算法开始构建图,其连接向我们展示了可能的运动。 然后我们将其扩展为基于时间的图。 根据时间扩展图,每个时间步长都复制所有节点。 这意味着如果我们有 3x3 节点作为给定的例子,我们将在我们的时间扩展图中有 3
2022-04-02 11:21:58 146KB matlab
2022-03-28 14:19:05 1.16MB 工程技术 论文
导航_多 使用ros和发送目标的多机器人导航阶段模拟
2022-03-02 09:16:28 83KB C++
matlab kinect 代码使用分布式估计和基于视觉的导航对多个机器人进行基于视觉的分布式群控制 布拉德利大学高级项目。 基于视觉的多机器人编队跟踪。 该项目包含用于实现和模拟多智能体目标跟踪机器人的 Simulink 代码和 matlab 代码。 工作已完成。 代码旨在在 QBot2 上实现,该 QBot2 具有基于深度/RGB 的 kinect 相机。 该设计将采用基于视觉的方法来定位和包围移动目标。 请查看我们的网站了解更多详情。 元 安东尼·勒
2021-12-23 19:20:00 91.09MB 系统开源
The MRSim (Multi-Robot Simulator) is an extension of the Autonomous mobile robotics toolbox SIMROBOT (SIMulated ROBOTs) created for MatLab 5 in 2001. MRSim allows the user to simulate the behavior of multiple mobile robots in virtual environments. When compared to its predecessor SIMROBOT, MRSim presents two key contributions: 1) It is fitted to the new MatLab versions - Previously, users were unable to work with SIMROBOT functions since most of them were incompatible with the new MatLab versions. MatLab significantly evolved over the last 10 years, making SIMROBOT obsolete. In this extension, all features of SIMROBOT were updated and improved based on the new MatLab functions; 2)It is also fitted to suit multi-robot applications - although SIMROBOT was endowed with various interesting features for mobile robotics, it presented several limitations for multi-robot applications. Therefore, MRSim was created primarily to allow users to develop multi-robot applications, which would benefit working with some specific requirements such as multi-hop communication. Moreover, most of the functionalities in MRSim have an integrated help (which can be accessed just by typing help function) that allows to easily understand the dynamics of how to create and run simulations. In sum, just like SIMROBOT, each robot in MRSim can be equipped with several virtual sensors and can be driven by its own control algorithm. The toolbox includes two independent applications. The first one is the EDITOR (simedit), which allows the user to create and modify the virtual environment,to edit the control algorithms of robots, to load and save simulation, and others. The second application, SIMULATOR (simview), can be run directly from the EDITOR or separately from MatLab Command Window and serves as a simulation viewer. A MatLab help file is being currently created and will be add in the future.
2021-11-09 22:02:02 2.18MB 多机器人 仿真 协同控制 算法
2021-11-09 18:15:10 1.72MB 人工智能 机器人 路径规划
本博文是基于这个ROS软件包(https://github.com/hrnr/m-explore)的学习笔记 目录 multi robot exploration nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid  map_msgs/OccupancyGridUpdate move_base multirobot_map_merge 参考资料 multi robot exploration 这个包名为explore_lite,采用greedy frontier-based exploration。当节点运行时,机器人会贪婪地探索环境,直到找不到边界为止。就是这些机器人会一直把整个区域都探索完。如
2021-11-09 09:36:35 521KB ros 学习 学习笔记
2021-10-14 19:57:48 555KB 机器人远程控制
2021-10-11 16:35:23 90.02MB 生物启发 多机器人协同 环航 协同