2023-04-02 23:16:20 7.61MB Linux内核 源码 完全注释 Linux0.11内核
Splash Splash画面 程序启动时候等待窗口 winfrom 进度条 已修复错误。可直接运行。 修改Program.cs注释可切换启动项
2023-03-29 17:46:10 181KB 启动画面 winform等待窗口 cSharp Splash
使用原代码安装经常出现崩溃情况,不易快速安装。笔者添加了一些参数,可以使用清华源来安装pip,速度快且稳定,适用于初始化新系统环境等。命令:python/python3 get-pip.py
2023-03-22 16:47:47 1.78MB pip快速安装
PhantOm V1.25 修正 [PhantOm plugin 1.25 ] by Hellsp @ wn & Archer / / spring aggravation: / / IHA! PEOPLE WITH ALL DAY! SPRING WALKS! BEER begins! GULYAYTE DEVUSHKAMI X! / / ZHIVITE FULL LIFE! | Privety fly to: | Bronco, kioresk, RSI, lord_Phoenix, HoBleen, Grim Fandango, | Guru.eXe, vad8787, PE_Kill. ————————————————– ————————— The plug to hide OllyDbg (with driver). Helps detection of the following methods: / / driver - extremehide.sys [+] NtQueryInformationProcess. [+] SetUnhandledExceptionFilter. [+] OpenProcess. [+] Invalid Handle. [+] NtSetInformationThread. [+] RDTSC. [+] NtYieldExecution. [+] NtQueryObject. [+] NtQuerySystemInformation. [+] Windows hide. [+] GetProcessTimes. [+] NtSetContextThread. / / plug - PhantOm.dll [+] PEB BeingDebugged. [+] PEB NtGlobalFlag. [+] GetStartupInfo. [+] Process Heaps. [+] GetTickCount. [!] Protect DRx. [!] Hide DRx. [!] Fake Windows version. [!] Custom Handler. [+] BlockInput What’s New - 1.25 You may now ask the very name services HIDENAME and RDTSCNAME. Some minor bugs. Fixed bug with memory breakpoints. What’s New - 1.20 Added own processing exceptions (C0000005). Added the title change of the main window. Added own processing exceptions (OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT). int 3 at EP correctly removed if the stop at the point of the system failed. Added BlockInput interception. (WinXP only) Added own processing exceptions (C0000094). Added hide from GetStartupInfo. Fixed bug with the settings plug. Added protection from detection drivers. What’s New - 1.15 Several bugs. What’s New - 1.10 hook GetProcessTimes - moved to the driver. hook NtSetContextThread - moved to the driver. The bug and removing the “EP break.” Several bugs related to downloading options. In ini added “DELTARDTSC which will regulate the spread RDTSC. What’s New - 1.04 Fixed bsod while loading drivers. What’s New - 1.03 Fixed bug with windows. What’s New - 1.01 Fixed bug in the driver. What’s New - 1.00 Added protection OllyDbg windows. Now OllyDbg patchitsya regardless of ImageBase. What’s New - 0.60 Added own processing exceptions (C000001E, 80000001, C000001D). Added removal int3 with EntryPoint. Fixed bug with GetTickCount. Added methods in anti-detekta driver. What’s New - 0.58 Fixed bug with Hide from peb on some systems. What’s New - 0.57 Fixed bug with the attachment to the process. Added protection from GetProcessTimes. [-] Removed option Fake Windows version (at the time). What’s New - 0.55 Improved imulyatsiya GetTickCount. Added emulation RDTSC. Fixed bug with not zeroing ServicePack. A bit optimized code. What’s New - 0.53 Now the driver is in resources. NtSetInformationThread added protection. Fixed bug with Fake Windows version. What’s New - 0.51 Fixed bug in the GetTickCount Fixed bug with a patch PEB ‘and / / Notes: – if you have changed the settings in the plug, but you open any file in OllyDbg, necessarily have to restart it (Ctrl-F2) program. – plug-in displays debug messages Log (Alt + L), so the first run advised to put all the options and examine the Log for errors. – tested only on Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2. – with the plug, it is recommended to turn off programs that can prevent loading drivers (Antivirus, PC). – incorrect in the work are encouraged to try to plug the “native” OllyDbg, without extraneous plugins.
2023-03-19 13:59:46 43KB OD 插件 PhantOm V1.25
可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱(TDLAS) 是一种具有高灵敏度、高分辨率和快速响应等特点的气体测量技术,已广泛用于大气痕量气体的测量以及工业有毒有害废气诊断和天然气泄漏检测。分布反馈式(DFB)激光器具有窄线宽和可调谐特性,并且能够精确让输出波长扫描单根气体吸收线,使得TDLAS 技术能实现高灵敏气体浓度检测。介绍了在线式波长调制二次谐波(WMS-SH)气体检测技术,讨论了基于最小二乘法气体浓度反演算法,通过修正式加权滑动平均滤波对浓度信号进行了数字滤波处理,系统实现了不大于1 s的系统响应时间,提高了信噪比和系统的检测灵敏度,并在天然气处理厂实时硫化氢检测中得到了应用。
2023-03-13 17:02:53 3.11MB 信号处理 可调谐半 最小二乘 修正式加
2023-03-13 16:32:37 240KB XPOSED框架
2023-03-12 15:50:24 61.65MB 破解 修正 超排
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2023-03-09 23:48:36 1.18MB delphi
2023-03-08 10:14:48 126KB 组态王 历史曲线控件 更新