活动板 StreamDeck 替代/扩展:D
2021-05-29 12:02:41 748KB twitch streaming stream obs
CarRental_Application 在里面
2021-05-28 18:04:03 5.36MB HTML
一种面向移动社交网络的云视频分发机制,陆佃杰,胡斌,基于云平台的视频传输网络C-VDNs(Cloud-based Video Delivery Networks)最近获得了相当多的关注。不同于传统的视频分发网络,C-VDNs可以提供可�
2021-05-28 17:41:35 764KB Computer Application Technology
本国际标准为使用马尔可夫技术建模和分析系统以及评估可靠性,可用性,可维护性和安全措施提供了指导。 该标准适用于必须分析表现出与状态相关的行为的系统的所有行业。 该标准涵盖的马尔可夫技术假定恒定的与时间无关的状态转换速率。 这种技术通常被称为齐次马尔可夫技术。
2021-05-27 13:02:44 28.44MB iec 61165 马尔可夫 Markov
This paper describes the design and realization of a component- based application framework to develop Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are a recently defined category of industrial software for the plant floor/manufacturing environment. The overall goal has been to enable the development of MES software systems by composition and extensions of prefabricated building blocks. The framework-based development of MES applications guarantees significant reduction in development time and cost by increased software quality. The framework is grounded on two supplementing approaches – on the one side, an event- and constraint-based modelling approach is used to represent equipment states and production workflow and, on the other side, object-oriented and component-based software technology have been used as the underlying realization concepts. The framework has been realized in Microsoft’s new C# programming language and .NET Framework. 1 Keywords: application frameworks, component-based software development, .NET Framework, C# language, manufacturing execution systems, workflow modelling.
2021-05-25 19:22:40 215KB MES .net
describes the bootloader stored in the system memory of the STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and STM32F103xx Flash-memory-based microcontrollers.
2021-05-25 09:32:34 3.66MB stm32 bootloader uart
2021-05-25 09:08:03 725KB K-DB开发
Bypassing-Web-Application-Firewall-Workshop-eBook中文版,介绍常见bypass WAF的技术和实现方法
2021-05-24 15:00:57 8.89MB bypass waf绕过
eclipse环境下使用substance.jar方法如下: 选中当前工程,打开菜单栏的project,选择properties——>Java Build Path--->Libraries -->Add External JARs...,添加你要加入的.jar包(在这里也就是Substance.jar)
2021-05-23 21:21:16 1.37MB application 美观