Large-Scale Learnable Graph Convolutional Networks(LGCN)论文的ppt pdf 资源分享
2021-05-11 21:15:16 651KB Large-Scale LGCN
随着大数据时代的到来,知识工程受到了广泛关注,如何从海量的数据中提取有用的知识,是 大数据分析的关键。知识图谱技术提供了一种从海量文本和图像中抽取结构化知识的手段,从而具有 广阔的应用前景。本文首先简要回顾知识图谱的历史,探讨知识图谱研究的意义。其次,介绍知识图 谱构建的关键技术,包括实体关系识别技术、知识融合技术、实体链接技术和知识推理技术等。然后, 给出现有开放的知识图谱数据集的介绍。最后,给出知识图谱在情报分析中的应用案例。
2021-05-11 15:22:24 4.21MB knowledge   ML  Graph DL
Introduction to Graph Theory (2nd Edition) by Douglas B. West
2021-05-11 00:41:33 61.09MB Graph Theory
1.这是个什么东西?这是基于Microsoft.Graph的邮箱用户各种操作的东西; 2.吐槽一下:微软的官方文档,给的源代码,真是不知道是什么鬼东西,调也调不通,引用也不好使,所以我才会在这发这个资源; 3.如何使用? 1)一定要注册你的应用( 这个页面,然后“应用注册”),并且给相应的权限; 2)然后你注册完应用后,代码中需要的配置你就也有了,详细配置项在appsettings.json配置文件中,除了第一个是不需要配置的,下面几个属性请按照你注册的应用认真配置; 3)运行我给你们发的这个代码,你就会发现,原来真的好使! 4)不用谢,我本来不想要分,想免费给你们共享,奈何CSDN把连设置分的选项都给去掉了
2021-05-10 05:09:26 14.55MB Microsoft.Graph
精英战舰emwin-GRAPH简易示波器代码 精英战舰emwin-GRAPH简易示波器代码 精英战舰emwin-GRAPH简易示波器代码
2021-05-08 21:56:45 12.29MB 简易示波器 正点原子
2021-05-07 21:09:38 49.93MB knowologe graph
This accessible book provides an introduction to the analysis and design of dynamic multiagent networks. Such networks are of great interest in a wide range of areas in science and engineering, including: mobile sensor networks, distributed robotics such as formation flying and swarming, quantum networks, networked economics, biological synchronization, and social networks. Focusing on graph theoretic methods for the analysis and synthesis of dynamic multiagent networks, the book presents a powerful new formalism and set of tools for networked systems. The book's three sections look at foundations, multiagent networks, and networks as systems. The authors give an overview of important ideas from graph theory, followed by a detailed account of the agreement protocol and its various extensions, including the behavior of the protocol over undirected, directed, switching, and random networks. They cover topics such as formation control, coverage, distributed estimation, social networks, and games over networks. And they explore intriguing aspects of viewing networks as systems, by making these networks amenable to control-theoretic analysis and automatic synthesis, by monitoring their dynamic evolution, and by examining higher-order interaction models in terms of simplicial complexes and their applications. The book will interest graduate students working in systems and control, as well as in computer science and robotics. It will be a standard reference for researchers seeking a self-contained account of system-theoretic aspects of multiagent networks and their wide-ranging applications. This book has been adopted as a textbook at the following universities: University of Stuttgart, Germany Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Georgia Tech, USA University of Washington, USA Ohio University, USA
2021-05-07 16:17:45 4.85MB 多个体网络 图理论方法
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2021-05-07 16:02:44 118KB editor node framework graph
2021-05-07 09:27:55 6.92MB graph_opt
Saliency Detection via Graph-Based Manifold Ranking对应的源码
2021-05-06 18:04:49 88KB saliency detection