by Hou, Zhongsheng Jin, Shangtai Introduction ...........................................................................................1 1.1 Model-Based Control ........................................................................1 1.1.1 Modeling and Identification .................................................1 1.1.2 Model-Based Controller Design ...........................................3 1.2 Data-Driven Control .........................................................................5 1.2.1 Definition and Motivation of Data-Driven Control .............6 1.2.2 Object of Data-Driven Control Methods..............................7 1.2.3 Necessity of Data-Driven Control Theory and Methods ........................................................................8 1.2.4 Brief Survey on Data-Driven Control Methods..................10 1.2.5 Summary of Data-Driven Control Methods.......................15 1.3 Preview of the Book.........................................................................16 2 Recursive Parameter Estimation for Discrete-Time Systems................19 2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................19 2.2 Parameter Estimation Algorithm for Linearly Parameterized Systems.....................................................................20 2.2.1 Projection Algorithm..........................................................21 2.2.2 Least-Squares Algorithm ....................................................22 2.3 Parameter Estimation Algorithm for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems.....................................................................27 2.3.1 Projection Algorithm and Its Modified Form for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems...............................27vi  ◾  Contents 2.3.2 Least-Squares Algorithm and Its Modified Form for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems...............................32 2.4 Conclusions.......................................................................
2021-05-03 20:10:52 5.49MB Adaptive Control 控制理论
This edited volume includes thoroughly collected on sensing and control for autonomous vehicles. Guidance, navigation and motion control systems for autonomous vehicles are increasingly important in land-based, marine and aerial operations. Autonomous underwater vehicles may be used for pipeline inspection, light intervention work, underwater survey and collection of oceanographic/biological data. Autonomous unmanned aerial systems can be used in a large number of applications such as inspection, monitoring, data collection, surveillance, etc. At present, vehicles operate with limited autonomy and a minimum of intelligence. There is a growing interest for cooperative and coordinated multi-vehicle systems, real-time re-planning, robust autonomous navigation systems and robust autonomous control of vehicles. Unmanned vehicles with high levels of autonomy may be used for safe and efficient collection of environmental data, for assimilation of climate and environmental models and to complement global satellite systems. The target audience primarily comprises research experts in the field of control theory, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.
2021-04-30 21:22:34 24.09MB 自动驾驶
Intended Audience The intended audience is upper level undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers in computer graphics and vision and related areas. If you are a believer of the saying “A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which is not there”, probably this book is not for you. You should consider returning the book and getting a refund. If you have been looking for a book with a concise account of a certain topic but only was frustrated because the books for mathematics majors have too many details than you needed, I hope this is the book you have been looking for.
2021-04-28 22:25:10 7.62MB 计算机图形学 计算机视觉 数学
内容为为中文影印版,还算比较清楚; 资源来自于CSDN,为了方便使用,添加了完整书签;
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Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications (3rd Edition)Part 1
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1.简介 2.Jaya优化算法及其变体 再也算法及其变体的上3.应用受约束和不受约束的基准函数 4.使用Jaya算法及其变体对换热器进行单目标和多目标设计优化 5.使用Jaya算法及其变体对热管和散热器的单目标和多目标设计优化6.使用Jaya算法及其变体对 冰蓄热系统进行多目标设计优化 7.传统的单目标和多目标优化Jaya算法及其变体的现代和现代加工工艺 8.使用Jaya算法及其变体的纳米精加工的 单目标和多目标优化9.使用Jaya算法及其变体的铸造工艺的单目标和多目标优化 10。 Jaya算法及其修改版本在工程科学领域中的应用
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Electric Motors and Drives Fundamentals, Types and Applications Fifth Edition Austin Hughes Bill Drury Abstract Non-specialist readers wishing to learn the essence of how and why motors work will find answers in this chapter. We discuss how to quantify magnetic effects, explain how force and torque are generated, and show that the elegant energy-converting process can be predicted using a simple equivalent circuit. The key factors that underpin the operation of all types of motor emerge, and we conclude by identifying the simple design parameters that determine the relationship between rotor volume and torque.
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书籍《Computational Photography: Methods and Applications》 PDF原版。
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