jetson nano上使用西门子的snap7通讯c++库与西门子PLC进行通信的程序,Qt做界面
2023-04-14 13:16:47 19KB jetsonnano
QTableWidget先去读全部的,再进行分页显示,表格固定的是一百行,每次操作对这一百行数据进行刷新,虚拟出完整表格的效果。 测试:QTableWidge分页显示1千万行数据,此种方法优化了文件的读取,可以快速的读取全部的文件内容,表格也只100行,占用内存较小。但是读取了全部大文件,文件占用的较大部分的内存。
2023-04-14 10:30:25 14.95MB qt
2023-04-13 20:48:24 1.02MB Qt
基于QT 的UDP通信例子,里面包括两个例子程序,可以实现简单的UDP通信,便于初学者快速学习,里面一个是server,一个client,其实UDP不分服务器和客户端,只是名字叫这个便于理解调用。
2023-04-12 17:09:53 17KB QT UDP C++
Create visually appealing and feature-rich applications by using Qt 5 and the C++ language Qt 5, the latest version of Qt, enables you to develop applications with complex user interfaces for multiple targets. It provides you with faster and smarter ways to create modern UIs and applications for multiple platforms. This book will teach you to design and build graphical user interfaces that are functional, appealing, and user-friendly. In the initial part of the book, you will learn what Qt 5 is and what you can do with it. You will explore the Qt Designer, discover the different types of widgets generally used in Qt 5, and then connect your application to the database to perform dynamic operations. Next, you will be introduced to Qt 5 chart which allows you to easily render different types of graphs and charts and incorporate List View Widgets in your application. You will also work with various Qt modules, like QtLocation, QtWebEngine, and the networking module through the course of the book. Finally, we will focus on cross-platform development with QT 5 that enables you to code once and run it everywhere, including mobile platforms. By the end of this book, you will have successfully learned about high-end GUI applications and will be capable of building many more powerful, cross-platform applications. What You Will Learn Implement tools provided by Qt 5 to design a beautiful GUI Understand different types of graphs and charts supported by Qt 5 Create a web browser using the Qt 5 WebEngine module and web view widget Connect to the MySQL database and display data obtained from it onto the Qt 5 GUI Incorporate the Qt 5 multimedia and networking module in your application Develop Google Map-like applications using Qt 5’s location module Discover cross-platform development by exporting the Qt 5 application to different platforms Uncover the secrets behind debugging Qt 5 and C++ applications
2023-04-12 15:06:35 12.64MB QT C++ GUI QT5
QWT全称是Qt Widgets for Technical Applications,是一个基于LGPL版权协议的开源项目, 可生成各种统计图。它为具有技术专业背景的程序提供GUI组件和一组实用类,其目标是以基于2D方式的窗体部件来显示数据, 数据源以数值,数组或一组浮点数等方式提供, 输出方式可以是Curves(曲线),Slider(滚动条),Dials(圆盘),Compasses(仪表盘)等等。该工具库基于Qt开发,所以也继承了Qt的跨平台特性。 【QWT基类】[2]QwtAbstractScale: 包含刻度尺的所有类的抽象基类; QwtAbstractScaleDraw:绘制刻度尺的抽象基类; QwtAbstractSlider:滑块部件的抽象基类; QwtAlphaColorMap:可以改变颜色的alpha值; QwtAnalogClock:时钟的模拟类; QwtArrayData:包含2个QwtArray<double>实例的数据类; QwtArrowButton:箭头按钮; QwtClipper:剪贴板类; QwtColorMap:提供数值到颜色的映射功能; QwtCompass:指南针部件; QwtCompassMagnetNeedle:指南针部件的磁针; QwtCompassRose:罗盘部件的抽象基类; QwtCompassWindArrow:风向标的指示器;
内容概要: Qt的安装及配置、Hello Qt、认识Qt Creator、常用控件使用方法、Qt事件系统、Qt坐标系统、Qt资源及样式表、自定义控件 共八章。 能学到什么:从零基础开始介绍环境搭建、Qt各主要系统的基本原理,并配有配套的示例代码。
2023-04-12 06:39:38 14.82MB qt
前言 本科期间学习过C语言,拿到了计算机二级证书,此外主要自学MATLAB和Python进行深度学习相关的编程。一直以为C++和C#与C语言大同小异,没有重视,在学校的项目需要用C++进行编程,并且甲方点名界面要用Qt做,觉得MFC太难看。也罢,近乎于从0开始,趁着新肺,在家自学C++与Qt,借此记录,欢迎大家交流。 一、开发环境 1、Windows 10 64位; 2、Qt 5.8.0(MINGW编译器,利用Qt Creator而不是宇宙最强IDE——vs); 3、OpenCV 3.2.0 二、环境配置 参考的是:拜小白教你Qt5.8.0+OpenCV3.2.0配置教程(详细版) 虽然作者讲
2023-04-11 20:15:09 512KB ann canny算法 const
Mastering Qt 5 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2023-04-11 16:55:57 12.08MB Mastering