The C++ Programming Language第4版,计算机经典书籍。
2022-05-08 18:52:28 47.98MB C++ Programming
基于Gamemaker Studio 2的iwanna开发引擎,有各种界面和陷阱、平台。
2022-05-08 16:47:22 55.6MB gms2 i wanna
2022-05-07 19:08:25 8MB Academic+Phraseb
World Map 2D Edition 2添加到您的场景一个美丽的,可定制和互动的二维政治地图只需点击几下。将地图预设拖到场景中,然后自定义外观。 这个新的主要版本改进了视觉效果,并支持标准/内置和LWRP。所有的新特性和改进都将包含在这个版本中,而以前的版本只会收到修复。 主要特点: *按程序绘制了241个国家、4112个省和州的边界,以及世界上7144个人口最多的城市的位置! *完全交互式地图:缩放、平移、选择,当您将鼠标放在国家、省/州和城市上时,它们会高亮显示。 *视口渲染目标(支持裁剪,请参见下面的视频演示) *支持透视投影和正交投影 *使用经纬度在任何国家、省、市或自定义位置添加标记和线条动画 *可以实例化并由代码控制(提供API和文档)。 自定义编辑器检查器,4个额外的可怕组件: *计算器:从纬度/经度到XY坐标的单位转换和城市距离计算器。 *滚动、闪烁和淡出信息。 *装饰:定制国家外观(颜色,纹理,标签)。 *地图编辑器:使用先进的工具(创建/修改/重塑/合并国家、省、市…)在Unity编辑器中构建您需要的地图 附加功能: -三类城市,包括国家和地区首府。 -使用放置选项自动绘制国家/地区标签。 -给国家、省/州或整个大陆上色! -各国纹理支持! -从当前位置找到并顺利飞往任何国家、州或城市。还可以通过纬度/经度定位/飞到地图中的任何位置。 -挂载点:从编辑器中添加您的自定义战略位置,并在其上轻松查找/导航/定位对象。 -比例尺为110.00.000:1和30.000.000:1的两级边界详图。 -虚线:绘制纬度、经度和光标线。 -很多定制选项:边界颜色,高亮颜色,城市/边界/地球的可见性,标签。。。 -8种地球风格,从轻量级风格到高级风格,包括风景明暗处理(云+浮雕效果)和高分辨率纹理高达16K的自定义着色器。 -不需要互联网接入!资产中包含的地理数据,不使用谷歌地图或任何其他地图提供商。使它非常快和离线工作! -移动友好:在Android和iOS上测试。 -与Unity 2018.4+和2019兼容。 -与标准/内置和LWRP管道兼容。 -包含源代码(C#)。 -专门的支持论坛。
2022-05-07 17:59:14 136.52MB Unity3D 插件 地图
内容简介 Drawing on an impressive roster of experts in the field, Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Fifth Edition offers an ideal resource for computer course curricula as well as a user-friendly personal or professional reference. Focusing on geometric intuition, this book gives the necessary information for understanding how images get onto the screen by using the complementary approaches of ray tracing and rasterization. It covers topics common to an introductory course, such as sampling theor
2022-05-06 23:22:31 32.78MB ComputerGraphic
Over the last five years, CoffeeScript has taken the web development world by storm. With the humble motto "It's just JavaScript," CoffeeScript provides all the power of the JavaScript language in a friendly and elegant package. This extensively revised and updated new edition includes an all-new project to demonstrate CoffeeScript in action, both in the browser and on a Node.js server. There's no faster way to learn to write a modern web application. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to reflect the current state and features of CoffeeScript. Every chapter has been revised and refactored, and new sections and a new chapter on testing have been added. If you already know JavaScript, this book will make your transition to CoffeeScript easy. If you're new to JavaScript, it's a great place to start. New in this edition: Automating setup with the Grunt task runner Using CoffeeScript classes with the Backbone framework Using CoffeeScript's simple callback syntax to interact with the Express framework A new chapter on client-side and server-side testing with Intern A new project that gives you hands-on experience with browser-side and server-side CoffeeScript CoffeeScript is every bit as portable and effective as JavaScript. It aids development by adding a bevy of features, such as classes, splats, list comprehensions, and destructuring. These features make it easier to write clear, readable code, and by learning how these features work, you'll deepen your understand of JavaScript as well. This book is your complete guide to writing better JavaScript code, faster. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started Chapter 2. Functions, Scope, and Context Chapter 3. Collections, Iteration, and Destructuring Chapter 4. Classes, Prototypes, and Inheritance Chapter 5. Web Applications with jQuery and Backbone.js Chapter 6. Web Servers with Node and Express Chapter 7. Testing with Intern
2022-05-06 00:42:50 2.58MB CoffeeScript
Answers to End of Chapter Reviews and Exercises for Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 7th Edition
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中文翻译Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition 7.2节,仅用于交流学习!
2022-05-04 21:06:07 281KB 线性代数 数学
Core.Java.Volume.II.Advanced.Features,8th.Edition.chm java核心第8版第二卷
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