最新的2005版的03.48规范升级版,描述了电信GSM短信SMS结构和安全机制,简介如下: The present document specifies the structure of the Secured Packets in a general format and in implementations using Short Message Service Point to Point (SMS-PP) and Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (SMS-CB),The present document is applicable to the exchange of secured packets between an entity in a GSM PLMN and an entity in the SIM.Secured Packets contain application messages to which certain mechanisms
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ArcGIS Pro替代已成为必然,就像当年ArcGISDesktop替代ArcInfo一样,虽然有着太多的依恋和不舍,但历史的车轮不会因为我们个人的喜好而停留或改变,唯有顺应时代、积极进去,方能不被时代淘汰,共勉。 该学习资料为《地理信息系统 ArcGIS Pro从0到1入门实战教程》(闫磊 编著)的配套数据,在此感谢闫老师的辛苦付出!大家感兴趣的可以购买纸质版书籍。 该数据包括Pro2.8版本的视频教程(59个)及练习数据(12章),共约4.5G数据,附件为百度网盘下载地址。
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