2019-12-21 19:38:33 7.99MB 网络设计
自动化测试最佳实践 来自全球的经典自动化测试案例解析_13303587.pdf
2019-12-21 19:38:29 106.49MB selenium Python
本书共分为 12 章 , 通过介绍 React 中最有价值的设计模式 , 展示如何将设计模式和最佳实践应用于现 实的新项目和已有项目中 。 主要内容包括帮助读者理解 React 的基本概念 , 学习编写整洁 、 可维护的代码 ; 优化 React 组件 , 使应用拥有更快的速度和响应性 ; 介绍如何有效地编写测试 , 避免反模式 , 开源组件并 对 React 生态系统做贡献 。本书适合想要深入理解 React , 希望提高相关编程技能的前端开发人员阅读 。
2019-12-21 19:28:14 8.26MB React 设计模式 最佳实践
原文地址:https://dev-cheats.com/java/unit-testing-best-practices-junit-reference-guide.html 这个资源是把文章整理成PDF,方便本地查看。
2019-12-21 19:24:28 1.39MB JUnit 单元测试
Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践(第2版).pdf 其它网站上下载下来的目录书签有乱码,我已经全部修改过了,电子书是非扫描版,文本文字都可以复制。 部分源代码没有我也新增了。
Build maintainable websites with elegant Django design patterns and modern best practices Key Features Explore aspects of Django from Models and Views to testing and deployment Understand the nuances of web development such as browser attack and data design Walk through various asynchronous tools such as Celery and Channels Book Description Building secure and maintainable web applications requires comprehensive knowledge. The second edition of this book not only sheds light on Django, but also encapsulates years of experience in the form of design patterns and best practices. Rather than sticking to GoF design patterns, the book looks at higher-level patterns. Using the latest version of Django and Python, you’ll learn about Channels and asyncio while building a solid conceptual background. The book compares design choices to help you make everyday decisions faster in a rapidly changing environment. You’ll first learn about various architectural patterns, many of which are used to build Django. You’ll start with building a fun superhero project by gathering the requirements, creating mockups, and setting up the project. Through project-guided examples, you’ll explore the Model, View, templates, workflows, and code reusability techniques. In addition to this, you’ll learn practical Python coding techniques in Django that’ll enable you to tackle problems related to complex topics such as legacy coding, data modeling, and code reusability. You’ll discover API design principles and best practices, and understand the need for asynchronous workflows. During this journey, you’ll study popular Python code testing techniques in Django, various web security threats and their countermeasures, and the monitoring and performance of your application. What you will learn Make use of common design patterns to help you write better code Implement best practices and idioms in this rapidly evolving framework Deal with legacy code and debugging Use asynchronous tools such as Ce
2019-12-21 18:54:46 5.28MB django 设计模式 最佳实践 python
深入理解Android Telephony原理剖析与最佳实践.杨青平
2019-12-21 18:49:45 60.07MB Android Telephony 原理剖析 最佳实践
HTML之路:XHTML和CSS最佳实践指南 pdf
2014-11-15 00:00:00 8.47MB HTML XHTML CSS 最佳实践指南
深入理解android Telephony原理剖析与最佳实践,完整版,作者:杨青平
2014-09-03 00:00:00 57.41MB 深入理解 android Telephony 原理剖析
《iOS网络编程与云端应用最佳实践》是介绍iOS 6网络编程和云端应用开发技术书籍,介绍了苹果网络、数据交换格式、WebService、iCloud、定位服务、地图、推送通知、Newsstand、应用内购买、Passbook、以及社交网络编程,还介绍了网络通信设计模式和架构设计。 全书分为5部分:网络基础篇、云服务篇、社交篇、电子商务篇和实战篇。网络基础篇包括第2章~第3章,介绍了网络结构、Socket网络通信、对等结构网络、Bonjour服务发现,以及JSON和XML数据交互格式。云服务篇包括了第4章~第5章,介绍了客户端服务器结构网络通信两种具体实现方式:REST WebService和SOAP Web Service,以及iCloud编程。社交篇包括了第6章~第7章,介绍了Twitter、Facebook、新浪微博社交网络客户端编程API,以及定位服务与地图应用开发。电子商务篇包括了第8章~第11章,介绍了推送通知、Newsstand应用编程、服务器产品类型应用内购买、iOS6Passbook应用开发。实战篇包括了第12章~第13章,通过重构MyNotes应用介绍了iOS网络通信中的设计模式与架构设计,最后通过价格线酒店预订iPhone客户端开发介绍了iOS敏捷开发过程。
2013-05-21 00:00:00 46.63MB 关东升 iOS网络编程 iOS6 iOS开发