这本书是2014年底出版的,基于最新的 python3.4 版本。
Chapter 1: Introduction to Client-Server Networking
Chapter 2: UDP
Chapter 3: TCP
Chapter 4: Socket Names and DNS
Chapter 5: Network Data and Network Errors
Chapter 6: TLS/SSL
Chapter 7: Server Architecture
Chapter 8: Caches and Message Queues
Chapter 9: HTTP Clients
Chapter 10: HTTP Servers
Chapter 11: The World Wide Web
Chapter 12: Building and Parsing E-Mail
Chapter 13: SMTP
Chapter 14: POP
Chapter 15: IMAP
Chapter 16: Telnet and SSH
Chapter 17: FTP
Chapter 18: RPC
Instead, this book focuses on network programming, using Python 3 for every example script and snippet of code at
the Python prompt. These examples are intended to build a comprehensive picture of how network clients, network servers,
and network tools can best be constructed from the tools provided by the language. Readers can study the transition from
Python 2 to Python 3 by comparing the scripts used in each chapter of the second edition of this book with the listings here
in the third edition—both of which are available at thanks to the
excellent Apress policy of making source code available online. The goal in each of the following chapters is simply to show
you how Python 3 can best be used to solve modern network programming problems.