2022-09-10 20:30:45 6.54MB 操作系统 UNIX 英文版 教材
Designing digital circuits used to be something that only big companies could afford to do. It used to require creating application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs)—taking weeks or months to produce an actual chip, and requiring piles of cash or wiring together tons of individual chips to perform various logic functions. Then the fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) was introduced. FPGAs are programmable logic devices. Unlike an ASIC, the function an FPGA performs is determined at runtime, so an FPGA can be configured to act like just about any digital circuit. However, it wasn’t until recently that the cost of FPGAs has dropped to a point where they are now affordable for even hobbyists.
2022-09-10 17:59:55 25.59MB FPGA verilog
USB(Universal Serial Bus2.0,通用串行总线)是一种应用在计算机领域的新型接口技术。USB接口具有传输速度更快,支持热插拔以及连接多个设备的特点。目前已经在各类外部设备中广泛的被采用。USB接口有三种:USB1.1,USB2.0和USB3.0。理论上USB1.1的传输速度可以达到12Mbps,而USB2.0则可以达到速度480Mbps,并且可以向下兼容USB1.1。
2022-09-08 23:45:48 5.66MB USB规范 USB协议
23501-g40.docx 3GPP标准协议 5G网络架构和概念 中英文版 方便大家学习和查阅。。。。。。。
2022-09-08 18:41:45 5.69MB 3GPP 5G
2022-09-08 14:19:27 4.41MB 数字电路设计 英文版
Joe Celko’s SQL for Smarties, Fourth Edition(SQL权威指南_第4版)-英文版
2022-09-08 11:07:26 5.05MB SQL 权威指南 SQL权威指南
《Windows程序设计(第5版 英文版)》是一本经典的Windows编程圣经,曾经伴随着近50万Windows程序员步入编程殿堂,成长为IT时代的技术精英。作为Windows开发人员的必备参考,涵盖基础知识和中高级主题,全面地介绍了Windows程序设计所涉及的细枝末节,旨在帮助读者从高屋见瓴的角度,建立完整的知识体系,为以后的职业生涯奠定良好的基础。全书共3部分23章。第1~12章着重介绍基础知识,第13~18章的主题为图形,第19~23章涉及更多高级主题。 《Windows程序设计(第5版 英文版)》适合任何层次的Windows程序员阅读和参考,是帮助他们梳理和建立Windows知识体系的理想读物。
2022-09-08 10:08:11 5.08MB windows
☆ 资源说明:☆ [Packt Publishing] Visual Studio 2010 最佳实践 (英文版) [Packt Publishing] Visual Studio 2010 Best Practices (E-Book)
2022-09-07 23:13:08 2.35MB Visual Studio
Simon Brown 的 Visualising software architecture 英文版 epub,需要pdf的可以查看我的其他资源。 This book is a practical, pragmatic and lightweight guide to software architecture, specifically aimed at developers, and focussed around the software architecture role and process.
2022-09-06 19:04:11 19MB visualising simonbrown epub pdf