环境:Windows XP SP3、 VC++ 6.0 IDE 目的:讲解怎样使用VC++ 6.0 IDE书写一个最简单的MFC应用。 过程:本人在学习"Programming Visual C++ Fifth Edition"(VC++技术内幕第五版)过程中,我发现这本书理论上讲得非常细节,但是有些细节没有考虑到初学者的感受,比如它在讲解“What's an Application Framework?”(什么应用框架)时,给出了完整的使用MFC框架实现的"Hello World"功能的手写代码,但是没有说怎样使用VC++6.0 IDE来书写和测试这些源代码。这会让很多初学者觉得非常抽象。于是本人把书中的讲解源代码影射到怎样使用VC++ 6.0 IDE来实现。其中,整个使用IDE的步骤使用图片说明了,并且一行代码一行注释,说明在VC++编程的意思--它是初学VC++程序的第一个好例子。 使用步骤: 1、下载解压之后,参见“创建过程”目录中的图片说明 2、双击DSW文档打开工程即可 学习对象:VC++的初学者--想看懂怎样使用VC++书写一个最简单的Hello World窗体程序。
2019-12-21 19:25:29 2.06MB MFC编程 VC++的HelloWorld
想深入模拟电路设计技术的必读书目 Analog Circuits World Class Designs(世界级模拟电路设计) About the Authors Bonnie Baker Chapters 4 8 13 14 15 and Appendix A writes the monthly “ Baker ’ s Best ” for EDN magazine She has been involved with analog and digital designs and systems for over 20 years Bonnie started as a Manufacturing Product Engineer supporting analog products at Burr Brown From there Bonnie moved up to IC Design Analog Division Strategic Marketer and then Corporate Applications Engineering Manager In 1998 she joined Microchip Technology and served as their analog division Analog mixed signal Applications Engineering manager and Staff Architect Engineer for one of their PICmicro divisions This expanded her background to not only include analog applications but also the microcontroller She is now back in the Burr Brown fold working for Texas Instruments in their Precision Analog Division ">想深入模拟电路设计技术的必读书目 Analog Circuits World Class Designs(世界级模拟电路设计) About the Authors Bonnie Baker Chapters 4 8 13 14 15 and Appendix A writes the monthly “ Baker ’ s Best ” for EDN magazine She has been involved with analog and digital [更多]
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这个组件被设计为自动创建统一地形,真正的全球高程数据。使用高精度数据SRTM V4.1 3角秒(90米)的准确性,相对误差小于6米的高度。对于每个创建的地形细节纹理,你可以看到道路,河流,房屋, 您将有机会获得几乎整个地球(北纬60至-60)。足以表明的立场和选择质量设置 与组件一起自带的一个工具,让你在谷歌地图上选择想要的区域权。 创建一个游戏景观从未如此简单。
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The guide to targeting and leveraging business opportunities using big data & analytics By leveraging big data & analytics, businesses create the potential to better understand, manage, and strategically exploiting the complex dynamics of customer behavior. Analytics in a Big Data World reveals how to tap into the powerful tool of data analytics to create a strategic advantage and identify new business opportunities. Designed to be an accessible resource, this essential book does not include exhaustive coverage of all analytical techniques, instead focusing on analytics techniques that really provide added value in business environments. The book draws on author Bart Baesens' expertise on the topics of big data, analytics and its applications in e.g. credit risk, marketing, and fraud to provide a clear roadmap for organizations that want to use data analytics to their advantage, but need a good starting point. Baesens has conducted extensive research on big data, analytics, customer relationship management, web analytics, fraud detection, and credit risk management, and uses this experience to bring clarity to a complex topic. Includes numerous case studies on risk management, fraud detection, customer relationship management, and web analytics Offers the results of research and the author's personal experience in banking, retail, and government Contains an overview of the visionary ideas and current developments on the strategic use of analytics for business Covers the topic of data analytics in easy-to-understand terms without an undo emphasis on mathematics and the minutiae of statistical analysis For organizations looking to enhance their capabilities via data analytics, this resource is the go-to reference for leveraging data to enhance business capabilities. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Big Data And Analytics Chapter 2 Data Collection, Sampling, And Preprocessing Chapter 3 Predictive Analytics Chapter 4 Descriptive Analytics Chapter 5 Survival Analysis Chap
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