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2019-12-21 19:37:03 4.64MB Computational Science Gilbert Strang
Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, Second Edition 出版社: Wiley 总页数:1082页 作者: (英)Ross Anderson 2012年1月清华大学出版社 中译本 译者: 齐宁 韩智文 刘国萍 试读前三章下载:
2019-12-21 19:35:54 5.34MB 信息安全工程 第2版 Ross Anderson
复分析基础及工程应用 答案 fundamentals of complex analysis with applications to engineering and science solution manual
1 Preliminaries 3 1.1 A Bit of History 4 1.2 Introduction 7 1.3 Motivation 8 1.3.1 Optics 8 1.3.2 Shape of a Liquid Drop 10 1.3.3 Optimization of a River-Crossing Trajectory 12 1.3.4 Summary 14 1.4 Extrema of Functions 14 1.5 Constrained Extrema and Lagrange Multipliers 17 1.6 Integration by Parts 20 1.7 Fundamental Lemma of the Calculus of Variations 21 1.8 Adjoint and Self-Adjoint Differential Operators 22 Exercises 26 2 Calculus of Variations 28 2.1 Functionals of One Independent Variable 29 2.1.1 Functional Derivative 30 2.1.2 Derivation of Euler’s Equation 31 2.1.3 Variational Notation 33 2.1.4 Special Cases of Euler’s Equation 37 2.2 Natural Boundary Conditions 44 2.3 Variable End Points 53 2.4 Higher-Order Derivatives 56 2.5 Functionals of Two Independent Variables 56 2.5.1 Euler’s Equation 57 2.5.2 Minimal Surfaces 61 2.5.3 Dirichlet Problem 62 vii viii Contents 2.6 Functionals of Two Dependent Variables 64 2.7 Constrained Functionals 66 2.7.1 Integral Constraints 66 2.7.2 Sturm-Liouville Problems 74 2.7.3 Algebraic and Differential Constraints 76 2.8 Summary of Euler Equations 80 Exercises 81 3 Rayleigh-Ritz, Galerkin, and Finite-Element Methods 90 3.1 Rayleigh-Ritz Method 91 3.1.1 Basic Procedure 91 3.1.2 Self-Adjoint Differential Operators 94 3.1.3 Estimating Eigenvalues of Differential Operators 96 3.2 Galerkin Method 100 3.3 Finite-Element Methods 103 3.3.1 Rayleigh-Ritz–Based Finite-Element Method 104 3.3.2 Finite-Element Methods in Multidimensions 109 Exercises 110 P A R T I I P H Y S I C A L A P P L I C A T I O N S 115 4 Hamilton’s Principle 117 4.1 Hamilton’s Principle for Discrete Systems 118 4.2 Hamilton’s Principle for Continuous Systems 128 4.3 Euler-Lagrange Equations 131 4.4 Invariance of the Euler-Lagrange Equations 136 4.5 Derivation of Hamilton’s Principle from the First Law of Thermodynamics 137 4.6 Conservation of Mechanical Energy and the Hamiltonian 141 4.7 Noether’s Theorem – Connection Between Conservation Laws and Symmetries in Hamil
2019-12-21 19:33:13 6.41MB Variational Applications
2019-12-21 19:32:15 4.41MB Optimization
2019-12-21 19:29:15 21.99MB Automotive Software Engineering
Software Engineering, 8th edition, Ian Sommerville 2006 全英文PDF版课件 第二版
2019-12-21 19:28:56 4.52MB SE Software Engineering
需要读者有控制论的基础,是一本很系统的涵盖控制领域的所有命题 工程控制论.Engineering.Cybernetics[英文原版]钱学森
2019-12-21 19:21:35 15.2MB 工程控制论 英文版 钱学森 飞行器力学
ees(engineering equation solver)资料 ,英语原文
2019-12-21 18:55:06 1.86MB ees 资料 ,english 原文
本文档为《控制系统工程 6th(Norman S. Nise) Control Systems Engineering》课后习题答案,可适用于高等教育领域
2019-12-21 18:52:16 13.03MB 控制系统 课后习题