动态3D特效壁纸软件Wallpaper Engine的免费获取及安装问题解决-附件资源
2021-09-20 20:17:00 106B
2021-09-20 15:37:05 2.56MB Arc Engine 最全实验代码 C#
在搭建WebRTC(AppRTC)时,我们会遇到需要部署Google App Engine的难题,并且最近墙的厉害,所以我特地把我珍藏的Google App Engine 最新版(2020-7-5)分享出来,希望可以方便想搭建WebRTC(AppRTC)的同学们
2021-09-20 15:31:50 51.31MB Google Python AppEngine WebRTC
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. “With his YouTube channel, Mitch’s VR Lab, Mitch has helped thousands of people understand the foundations of locomotion and interaction mechanics with clear and concise UE4 videos. I’m thrilled that he has taken the time to bring all his knowledge and experience in working with Unreal Engine and Virtual Reality to the Unreal? Engine VR Cookbook…. Mitch is uniquely qualified to share this book with the world.” —Luis Cataldi, Unreal Engine Education, Epic Games, Inc. For game developers and visualization specialists, VR is the next amazing frontier to conquer—and Unreal Engine 4 is the ideal platform to conquer it with. Unreal ? Engine VR Cookbook is your complete, authoritative guide to building stunning experiences on any Unreal Engine 4-compatible VR hardware. Renowned VR developer and instructor Mitch McCaffrey brings together best practices, common interaction paradigms, specific guidance on implementing these paradigms in Unreal Engine, and practical guidance on choosing the right approaches for your project. McCaffrey’s tested “recipes” contain step-by-step instructions, while empowering you with concise explanations of the underlying theory and math. Whether you’re creating first-person shooters or relaxation simulators, the techniques McCaffrey explains help you get immediate results, as you gain “big picture” knowledge and master nuances that will help you succeed with any genre or project. Understand basic VR concepts and terminology Implement VR logic with Blueprint visual scripting Create basic VR projects with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Gear VR, Google VR, PSVR, and other environments Recognize and manage differences between seated and standing VR experiences Set up trace interactions and teleportation Work with UMG and 2D UIs Implement character inverse kinematics (IK) for head and hands Define ef
2021-09-20 13:09:02 26.79MB Unreal VR 电子书
ef.js (也许)优雅HTML模板引擎和基本框架 ef.js是用于浏览器的静态模板框架,使用该框架,您可以编写UI而不关心逻辑,也可以编写逻辑而不关心UI。 ef.js还提供了一个简单的模板引擎,可帮助您轻松地创建具有数据绑定的组件模块,但是您也可以使用与ef.js的AST兼容的您喜欢的模板引擎。 ef.js与很好地兼容,并且可能是唯一可以正确处理XML名称空间的现有前端框架。 演示: 也用ef.js编写 操场: 相关项目: -ef.js的核心(无解析器) 基于ef.js的渐进式UI框架(WIP) ef-基于ef.js的网络音频播放器 parser-用于eft模板 e
2021-09-19 16:40:26 62KB javascript framework template-engine js
2021-09-16 10:28:31 51.05MB UE4
带有Savitzky-Golay过滤器的Google Earth Engine时间序列 该示例显示了如何为要素集合提取图像集合值,如何创建植物索引时间序列数据帧并在其上应用Savitzky-Golay过滤器的示例。 笔记 中实现了此函数的更好版本,作为ee.ImageCollection对象的扩展方法: import ee , eemont ee . Authenticate () ee . Initialize () f1 = ee . Feature ( ee . Geometry . Point ([ 3.984770 , 48.767221 ]). buffer ( 50 ),{ 'ID' : 'A' }) f2 = ee . Feature ( ee . Geometry . Point ([ 4.101367 , 48.748076 ]). buffer ( 50 ),{ '
ArcGIS Engine开发学习用全部对象模型图
2021-09-13 14:03:27 3.63MB ArcGIS Engine 开发学习 对象模型图
UE4-战斗坦克 一个虚幻引擎4中具有简单AI的开放世界坦克格斗游戏
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2021-09-10 14:04:02 2.98MB SAP 金融