代理服务器。 P H O E N I X 4.0 What is it? ----------- It is meta-server - a server kernel on top of which other servers are built. Where is it? ------------ http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon/phoenix What is related to it? ---------------------- http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon - the parent project for Phoenix. http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon/framework - a service framework initiative. http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon/cornerstone - a set of reusable components that Phoenix server applications may use. http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon/apps - a set of complete and in-progress applications for Phoenix. http://jakarta.apache.org/james - a mail server that runs as a Phoenix server application. Requirements ------------ -JDK1.3 or above -To build form CVS you must set JAVA_HOME to the jdk dir (eg:/usr/bin/jdk1.3 or c:\jdk1.3) Note for JDK1.4 users, please remove xerces.jar from Phoenix's lib dir. This is because JDK 1.4 comes with xerces, and Phoenix may object to two versions in the classpath. Distribution ------------ Distribution contains the following: -phoenix-engine.jar The Phoenix kernel -phoenix-loader.jar Phoenix loader Distributions built above JDK1.3 will include the following: -xerces.jar Any SAX2 parser will work. By default Xerces is used. Installation Instructions and Documentation ------------------------------------------- Phoenix is a framework that loads and runs servers. Without a server plugged into it, it doesn't do anything. To run it just execute run.bat or run.sh in the distribution bin folder. See docs/ subdirectory for further documentation. Licensing and legal issues -------------------------- For other legal and licensing issues, please read the included documentation. Thanks for using
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