HMC1043 中文说明书
2024-03-02 09:50:36 1.17MB HMC1043
2024-03-02 09:30:08 121.79MB FANUC机
这是SAP和IBM携手,专门推出适用于中小企业流程优化的软硬件组合。其中,SAP Business One中文版特别根据您的企业规模和资源进行了精心裁剪,可以帮助您建立灵活的供应链和企业外部网,支持电子商务与协同商务,其强大的适应能力完全能满足您现在乃至未来持续发展的需求;而作为其黄金搭档, IBM :registered: x 系列服务器则为您提供可测量的投资回报和可依赖的运营效率,并支持SAP方案的动态扩展。
2024-03-01 13:56:59 25KB
2024-03-01 11:38:41 1.58MB
包含各种例子,例如项目工作计划等,PROJECT 2007中文实例
2024-03-01 11:32:20 1.02MB PROJECT
sphinx中文分词 xdict_1.1.tar.gz
2024-03-01 10:26:39 1.78MB xdict
2024-02-29 22:37:27 7.68MB PIC16F1829
ARM Cortex-M3权威指南(中文版 经典),权威和全面的讲解了关于arm cortex-m3架构的微控制器知识,对系统设计、编程、硬件设计提供全面的指导。
2024-02-29 16:56:14 9.28MB Cortex-M3 STM32
实验数据来源于CCKS 2019 发布的中文电子病历命名实体识别评测数据集,共包含1379例病历样本,每份病历包含原始文本和实体标注两个部分, 实体类型包括:手术,解剖部位,药物,疾病和诊断,影像检查,实验室检验。 数据集结构为: "originalText": ",患者3月前因“直肠癌”于在我院于全麻上行直肠癌根治术(DIXON术),手术过程顺利,术后给予抗感染及营养支持治疗,患者恢复好,切口愈合良好。,术后病理示:直肠腺癌(中低度分化),浸润溃疡型,面积3.5*2CM,侵达外膜。双端切线另送“近端”、“远端”及环周底部切除面未查见癌。肠壁一站(10个)、中间组(8个)淋巴结未查见癌。,免疫组化染色示:ERCC1弥漫(+)、TS少部分弱(+)、SYN(-)、CGA(-)。术后查无化疗禁忌后给予3周期化疗,,方案为:奥沙利铂150MG D1,亚叶酸钙0.3G+替加氟1.0G D2-D6,同时给与升白细胞、护肝、止吐、免疫增强治疗,患者副反应轻。院外期间患者一般情况好,无恶心,无腹痛腹胀胀不适,无现患者为行复查及化疗再次来院就诊,门诊以“直肠癌术后”收入院。 近期患者精神可,饮食可,大便正常,小便正常,近期体重无明显变化。" "entities": "label_type": "疾病和诊断" "overlap": 0 "start_pos": 8
2024-02-29 15:41:39 1.18MB 数据集
There are eight directories, representing the eight chapters of the C# Primer text, in which Visual Studio.NET projects are stored. These have all been compiled under a post-Release Candidate, but before the final product release. So, conceivably, these projects may not compiler when you attempt to build them. If that is so, first check my home page for updates ( If your problem is not covered, please mail me at I don’t have a good organization for the ASP.NET projects. You may have to open your own, then copy in the form and code behind files. I’ll try to clean that up when I have time. The project listing under each chapter for this release looks as follows: Chapter 1: ArrayListHashtable Arrays BasicTypes FibonacciTries gcFinalize Strings SystemIO Chapter 2: Class Design Enum MatrixVector ParamPassing Stack WordCount Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming LibraryMaterial QueryManager Chapter 4: Interfaces binaryTree bitvector Fibonacci Chapter 5: System Framework Environment ExploreRegEx FileIO pathIO RegularExpression socketsClient socketsServer threads XmlDocument XmlDom XmlMisc XmlParse XmlSchema XPath Xslt Chapter 6: Windows.Forms Buttons DataGrid DialogMenu FileDialog HelloWindows HelloWindowsForms ListBox PictureBox Pictures XMLDataGrid Chapter 7: ASP.NET (incomplete) Figure 7_4 Figure 7_5 Figure 7_6 Chapter 8: The Common Language Runtime Assemblies Attributes collectionBinary ildasm reflection serialize tester timer Pictures Textfiles Xmlfiles
2024-02-29 14:08:18 3.2MB