官方离线安装包,亲测可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
2021-12-21 13:02:49 49KB rpm
官方离线安装包,亲测可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
2021-12-21 13:02:48 50KB rpm
NEW! Unity 2019.3 Universal Rendering Pipeline support! X-Frame FPS Accelerator reduces lag and contributes to higher FPS (Frames Per Second) providing a smooth gameplay to your users. X-Frame is intended for mobile devices (Android and iOS tested) and HDPI screens. As mobile screens pack more and more pixels per inch, you can afford losing some pixels to get those extra FPS when needed. Download X-Frame demo and try it in your project before purchasing. Contact us by email if you have any question. X-Frame works best with scenes with heavy shaders and/or image effects. Includes several methods from static downsamplers which apply specified optimizations regardless of current fps to an adaptative method which varies the image quality depending on current FPS. X-Frame, although customizable, has been designed to work out-of-the-box, just add the main script to your camera and you will gain immediate FPS. You can customize: • the downsampling method (2 static + 1 dynamic adaptative algorithms). • the desired minimum FPS. • the minimum acceptable quality. This minimum can range from a very low value to get the maximum FPS when needed to a high value to get some extra FPS but without loosing too much image quality. • a minimum quality when camera is not moving or rotating. • a nice FPS factor, beyond this X-Frame seamlessly deactivates, reactivating itself again if FPS drops. • optional antialias + sharpen pass. • dynamic control of pixel light count + shadows management. • advanced options based on users feedback based on real cases – quality adaptation speed, rendering methods, … • supports standard/builtin, LWRP and URP. • designed for mobile or high resolution screen devices (VR not recommended). Get X-Frame FPS Accelerator now and boost your mobile game performance! Support Forum | Youtube Channel Even more cool assets!
2021-12-21 11:10:07 121B unity
官方STM32F10x 3.5标准库文件 STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0
2021-12-21 11:00:26 20.74MB STM32F10x 3. STM32F10x Lib_V3.5.0
关关采集器,杰奇小说网站通用版【高级优化版V3.5】自带10个采集规则(不断增加中) 采集器只能在win2008以上的而且服务器必须安装net4.5( 请严格按照配置环境要求运行)
2021-12-21 08:33:31 5.18MB 关关采集器 杰奇小说 杰奇小说网站
适用于安装到WindowsServer 2016上的FrameWork版本
2021-12-20 19:01:12 68.98MB NetFX3.5
解决Windows Server 2012 R2 下无法安装dnet3.5,需要Windows Server 2012 R2 镜像SXS加载
2021-12-20 13:42:20 85.54MB .net3.5 sqlserver windows server20
2021-12-19 02:33:48 3.59MB JCreatorPro 注册
官方离线安装包,亲测可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
2021-12-18 19:02:15 260KB rpm
官方离线安装包,亲测可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
2021-12-18 19:02:14 284KB rpm