2023-02-24 13:59:30 96.4MB 华为 交换机 园区网
2023-02-22 12:36:13 45.48MB HCIA CIT 网络工程师
知识IPD 华为,流程,集成产品开发。
2023-02-22 11:16:00 4.2MB 产品设计
java后端源码部署 JavaTutorial(Java教程) 在成长的过程中,会学到许多新的知识;在项目实践过程中,经常需要学习新的技术。但经过一段时间后,这些知识点和技术又忘得差不多了,等到要用的时候又要搜索很多的资料从头到尾学习一次,浪费很多的时间,没有沉淀和积累。 在这里,通过文章和代码,把这些知识点和技术的主要内容记录并汇总,供自己快速回顾,也分享给他人。 注:部分例子基于JDK8。 关键字 数据结构 定时器 数据库 XML 序列化与反序列化 Gson 单元测试 EasyMock WireMock Mockito 网络&I/O RMI HTTP Netty 4.0.x 线程&并发 反射&代理 AOP 脚本语言 加密解密 开源组件 Slf4j Redis SSH Tomcat JBoss EJB 设计模式 Java工具
2023-02-22 09:05:18 33.57MB 系统开源
2023-02-22 00:00:49 1.83MB 华为 模拟电路
华为HG8541M R016固件.直接使用使能工具刷入。需要不全shell请下载我上传的不全shell固件
2023-02-21 17:37:22 23.3MB HG8541M
2023-02-21 14:55:41 2.05MB 模拟
非常威猛的官方固件UPDATE.APP解包打包工具(转自XDA论坛) Huawei Update Extractor After messing around a bit with the perl tools available for extracting Huawei update.app files, i got the idea to create an own (windows) tool. Requirements .Net Framework 3.5 Install Extract the content of the zip to a folder somewhere on your system. Execute HuaweiUpdateExtractor.exe I'm planning to create an installer sometime. Usage Press the browse (...) button and select an update.app file. Select a device or unknown and press on the open button. You'll see the content of the update.app file in the listview. Select one or more files and right click. Choose Extract selected from the context menu. Choose the ouput folder and press ok. Or just right click on the list and select Extract all, choose the output folder again and press ok. Press close on the extract window. You can sort the list on sequence, filename and size. Just press on the desired column header. Command line: HuaweiUpdateExtractor extract input output [profile] HuaweiUpdateExtractor repack input output profile Profile The profiles.xml file is used to identify the files in the update.app file. Every file in the update.app has a sequence or type, which is also shown in the list. Those sequences or types are used to identify the file/device partition. Example: system.img recovery.img baseband.img version.txt splash.raw565 boot.img cust.img userdata.img signature crc system.img cache.img cust.img userdata.img modemimage.img boot.img recovery.img signature crc - Root tag of the xml file. - Identifies a device - attribute name: name of the device - attribute author: author of the device - File root tag - Identifies a file - attribute sequence: sequence of the file in update.app - attribute type: type of the file in the update.app - attribute partition: destination partition on the device - attribute signature: used to identify the signature file - attribute checksum: used to identify the checksum file - value: file name You can add or edit devices. If you want them to integrate in newer version, pm 'em to me. I'm gonna make some auto update for the device file somewhere in the future Roadmap - You tell me ... Credits ZeBadger (zebadger@hotmail.com) for figuring out the file headers S34Qu4K3 for the P6 partition layout ngamyarthar for adding ALOT of devices! Changelog
2023-02-21 04:06:13 702KB 华为 官方 固件 UPDATE
深入浅出 Oracle+EBS+Forms开发指南_中级,深入浅出 Oracle+EBS+Forms开发指南_中级
2023-02-21 02:31:43 15.38MB EBS ORACLE FORM ERP
2023-02-20 12:02:39 6.01MB 华为 项目管理 项目经理