nanomsg是一个socket library,它提供了几种常见的通信模式,为了能使网络层快速、可扩展并且能易于使用。用C实现,且适用于广泛的操作系统,几乎不需要依赖。这里的通信模式(也称为“可扩展性协议”)是构建分布式系统的基本框架。通过组合它们,可以创建广泛的分布式应用程序。 Ø 目前可用的可扩展性协议有: PAIR - 简单的一对一沟通 BUS - 简单的多对多通信 REQREP - 允许构建无状态服务集群来处理用户请求 PUBSUB - 将消息分发给订阅消息的用户 PIPELINE - 汇总来自多个来源的消息,并在许多目的点之间进行负载平衡 SURVEY - 允许一次查询多个应用程序的状态 Ø 可扩展性协议分层在传输层之上的网络堆栈中,目前nanomsg library支持以下传输机制: INPROC - 进程内的传输(线程,模块等之间) IPC - 在单个机器上的进程间传输 TCP - 通过TCP的网络传输 该库向应用程序公开了一个类似BSD的套接字C API
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iVMS-4200系列软件工具旨在以统一、直观的方式配置和管理海康威视设备,包括DVR、NVR、IP摄像机、IPD、DVS、报警和门禁设备、存储设备,提供实时查看、回放等功能、设备参数配置等。 目前海康威视提供的ivms-4200仅适用于微软Windows机器。 因此,这个 ivms-4200 的 docker 镜像被设计为在 linux 机器上运行 ivms-4200。 基于 bkjaya1952/q4wine-x11vnc-novnc-docker 预装的 docker 镜像 ivms4200-Linux 参考:-
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SM4加解密工具,包含源码和可执行程序。欢迎下载!实现了SM4 ECB、CBC模式加解密操作。欢迎下载!
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最优传输理论的详细数学基础“When I was first approached for the 2005 edition of the Saint-Flour Probability Summer School, I was intrigued, flattered and scared.1 Apart from the challenge posed by the teaching of a rather analytical subject to a probabilistic audience, there was the danger of producing a remake of my recent book Topics in Optimal Transportation. However, I gradually realized that I was being offered a unique opportunity to rewrite the whole theory from a different perspective, with alternative proofs and a different focus, and a more probabilistic presentation; plus the incorporation of recent progress. Among the most striking of these recent advances, there was the rising awareness that John Mather’s minimal measures had a lot to do with optimal transport, and that both theories could actually be embedded in a single framework. There was also the discovery that optimal transport could provide a robust synthetic approach to Ricci curvature bounds. These links with dynamical systems on one hand, differential geometry on the other hand, were only briefly alluded to in my first book; here on the contrary they will be at the basis of the presentation. To summarize: more probability, more geometry, and more dynamical systems. Of course there cannot be more of everything, so in some sense there is less analysis and less physics, and also there are fewer digressions”
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