LSD直线检测工具箱,可以通过配置,直接调用,详细的配置信息参见reco_toolbox目录下的read me.txt
2019-12-21 21:10:40 19.28MB LSD
1、集成了八种种群体智能算法:'PPNGA','SFLA','MSFLA','AF-SFLA','PSO','ABC','DEr1','DEb2' % 2、适应度函数开放了一个参数Parmaters,接收本文件Options.Parmaters传递的参数,实例参见m文件F3_Rastrigin.m % 3、本程序设置了三个终止条件,终止条件3是必需的;终止条件1,2是可选的,不需要时隐去代码即可 % 4、在优化参数设置中,小种群设置与大种群设置各有优势,实际工程问题不一定哪一种设置更好,要根据实验结果来确定 % 5、在算法参数设置中,缺省设置一般不需要改动,除非在原理上对改动所引起的结果变动有着更深入的理解
2019-12-21 21:10:38 55KB 群体智能算法
集合经验模态分解(EEMD)经验模态分解(EMD)分解 Matlab 工具包
2019-12-21 21:10:33 194KB EEMD EMD MATLAB
粒子群算法,也称粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization),缩写为 PSO, 是近年来发展起来的一种新的进化算法。PSO 算法属于进化算法的一种,和遗传算法相似,它也是从随机解出发,通过迭代寻找最优解,它也是通过适应度来评价解的品质,但它比遗传算法规则更为简单。压缩文件内附有英文说明书
2019-12-21 21:10:24 763KB 粒子群算法 最优化 PSO matlab工具箱
1 Description Previously titled "Another Particle Swarm Toolbox" Introduction Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a derivative-free global optimum solver. It is inspired by the surprisingly organized behaviour of large groups of simple animals, such as flocks of birds, schools of fish, or swarms of locusts. The individual creatures, or "particles", in this algorithm are primitive, knowing only four simple things: 1 & 2) their own current location in the search space and fitness value, 3) their previous personal best location, and 4) the overall best location found by all the particles in the "swarm". There are no gradients or Hessians to calculate. Each particle continually adjusts its speed and trajectory in the search space based on this information, moving closer towards the global optimum with each iteration. As seen in nature, this computational swarm displays a remarkable level of coherence and coordination despite the simplicity of its individual particles. Ease of Use If you are already using the Genetic Algorithm (GA) included with MATLAB's Global Optimization Toolbox, then this PSO toolbox will save you a great deal of time. It can be called from the MATLAB command line using the same syntax as the GA, with some additional options specific to PSO. This will allow a high degree of code re-usability between the PSO toolbox and the GA toolbox. Certain GA-specific parameters such as cross-over and mutation functions will obviously not be applicable to the PSO algorithm. However, many of the commonly used options for the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox may be used interchangeably with PSO since they are both iterative population-based solvers. See >> help pso (from the ./psopt directory) for more details. Features * NEW: support for distributed computing using MATLAB's parallel computing toolbox. * Full support for bounded, linear, and nonlinear constraints. *
2019-12-21 21:10:14 46KB 粒子群 约束优化 非线性约束 Matlab
2019-12-21 21:09:20 8.26MB 凸优化
2019-12-21 21:08:36 40KB NURBS曲线 NURBS曲面 matlab 工具箱
2019-12-21 21:06:23 846KB 贝叶斯网络
2019-12-21 21:05:50 1.56MB ppt
2019-12-21 21:05:22 156KB rvm